Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Running Man

“It's unnatural for people to run around the city streets unless they are thieves or victims.  It makes people nervous to see someone running.  I know that when I see someone running on my street, my instincts tell me to let the dog go after him.”  ~Mike Royko


Rose said...

Now, he is strange...but I like him. And love the quote.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree a little weird, but as always interesting.
Ginny I couldn't run now if my life depended on it!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Someone has taken a lot of time to create this fella.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That fellow needs a good feed!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, what a fascinating sculpture! I would have loved to see it made.

Ann said...

You sure have some artistic and creative minds in your area. A very interesting and fascinating statue

A Joyful Chaos said...

Very interesting sculpture.

The quote made me smile. :)


Hootin Anni said...

ROFL on the quote. Love the sculpture too. Quite artistic!

beautyshapes3 said...

Great post, love it! :)
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Anonymous said...
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see the spammer got you to... just got through putting it in spam folder and deleting but I go two on one post..this running man is AMAZING! I have not seen anything like it, like someone made every muscle out of metal. true talent to create it.....

Tamago said...

He looks very unique and athletic!

George said...

Your quote gave me quite a smile. The running man is quite interesting.

LC said...

Woo!!! He is a doozy. Where did you find him?

Gayla said...

That sculpture really captures the movement... love the quote. Have not been able to run in years, but sometimes I still have dreams where I run. Lol

Nancy Chan said...

I like this running man sculpture. Interesting piece of art! I like the quote too.

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