Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Complex Creature

This bush was so soft and green. Notice anything?

A brown grasshopper!

I think he looks kind of mechanical, almost man-made, with a robotic look. So complex and wondrous!


Nancy Chan said...

You described it very well. It looks very robotic. Love the details on its body.

Hootin Anni said...

So photogenic!

Ann said...

Wonderful photos of him. I agree it does look a bit mechanic. Would make a good movie. The robotic grass

Rose said...

Love the verse...and yes. They are so complex.

George said...

You got some great shots of the grasshopper.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

isnt' he just amazing? look at those eyes, and those hairs and those ugly detailed legs... I love the up close and personal views best of all... almost missed him on that bush

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes, they are complex and all that, but, for me the only good grasshopper is a dead one. It is the one thing I have great dislike for.It' goes back to childhood memories, but I won't go there.

photowannabe said...

I agree...such a complex creation.
they are fascinating to watch.

Chatty Crone said...

Thanking the Lord for a life so sweet!

Hey are there green ones too?

LC said...

You nailed your assessment of that critter's appearance--mechanical and robotic. Excellent words and images!

Tamago said...

It’s a beautiful bush. And the grasshopper does look mechanical. Kind of like a robot. Or maybe it is a robot heh heh :-)

LV said...

No matter what you share, you always make it interesting.

Natalia said...

Great captures,you can see every detail☺

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I’v never read this poem before. I love the idea of Larks at Matins. The fuzzy green bush is called Lamb’s ear because of the shape and the softness. It’s fairly common in perennial gardens because it’s so interesting. The shape, soft texture and light sage green/grey colour add interest and contrast against different plants.

The Feminine Energy said...

Is that bush what they call "Lamb's Ear", Ginny? I wonder. The grasshopper seems to think it's a nice soft place to land. Love, Andrea xoxo

Anni said... answer your questions on my post today at Hootin' Anni's - the critter is a woodpecker, and we're about 700 miles from El Paso.

DeniseinVA said...

Great close-ups of this cute little critter and that plant is so lush and healthy looking.

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