Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mad As A Hatter

Here are a couple pretty felt hats we saw in Ten Thousand Villages. Do you know where the saying "Mad as a hatter" came from?

      Hatmakers in the 17th century commonly used mercury to cure the felt. Mercury is toxic, and its health effects showed up in the hat makers in the form of behavioral quirks that made them appear "mad," or crazy. And now you know.


DeniseinVA said...

That's a fascinating origin Ginny, thank you for sharing that and also for these fun hats.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I never knew that Ginny Thanks for interesting information

Linda said...

Wow!! You are so amazing in all these interesting tidbits of information!!

Natalia said...

I didn't know about that, so interesting !☺

Ann said...

I had no idea where the saying came from. How interesting. I could never see myself wearing a hat like either of these but I do love the colors of the first one

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Those are very interesting hats! I think I’ll pass on wearing them though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

learn something new every day. so glad we don't wear hats now... and especially that first one.

Rose said...

I would not have the nerve to wear either of those, or I would probably be mad as a hatter.

Reanaclaire said...

Now I know... Hats really make one look elegant!

George said...

The hats are pretty. Thanks for the lesson on the source of the saying.

Chatty Crone said...

Again - the rest of the story - I did not know that.
Okay those are some big hats there!

Sandi said...

Those are some MAD hats! ;-)

Tamago said...

Those are lovely hats! I didn't know where the saying came from. Thank you for a very interesting info :-)

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE trivia like this!! Who woulda known...interesting tidbit. And awesome hats.

Nancy Chan said...

Pretty hats. Interesting information on the origin of hat makers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are very colourful. My Mom always wore a hat to church. I again, don't wear hats unless I'm out in the sun.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, interesting trivia.

My mother loved wearing hats and even had a couple with feathers like that. But that was a very long time ago.

LC said...

Love finding out the origins of words and phrases. Thanks for the enlightenment!

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