Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Storm & The Sturgeon

Even though there were bad storms all around, we went out tonight to see if we could find the Full Sturgeon moon. For a long time we sat and watched this big storm cloud with almost constant lightening coming from it. The patch of light you see is actually lightening.

When we finally spotted the moon, it was covered with clouds.

But then for a few minutes, it was almost cloud free!

But then it slowly rose up into more clouds.

“Now and then there comes a crash of thunder in a storm, and we look up with amazement when [God] sets the heavens on a blaze with his lightning.”
 ~C. H. Spurgeon

“Lightning dances —
Thunder applauds her.
~Terri Guillemets


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are wonderful images Ginny.

crafty cat corner said...


Anni said...

One word...WOW!

Ann said...

Good things come to those who wait :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like number 4 best, beautiful

Rose said...

Ginn . These are wonderful. And I love the quote.

Sue said...

Oh what great photos of God's hands at work you have shared, Love the quotes too! My ear and I love to sit on the porch at night and watch the sky light up! Thanks for sharing.

Have a blessed day,

George said...

These are beautiful photos, Ginny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh the power displayed in those clouds!

Tamago said...

Such a beautiful photo of lightening in the clouds! And beautiful moon photos - change of colors is fun to see. Glad you could see the Sturgeon moon almost cloud free :-)

Sandi said...

Isn't it just spectacular??

Carla from The River said...

Ginny, how do you do it. Each moon post is so amazing. Keep them coming, I LOVE them.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't see how you get those images! lol It doesn't look like the moon I see.

Nancy Chan said...

Thanks to your patience, we get to see these stunning moon. You have captured the moon beautifully. Blessed Weekend!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great shots of the moon, and I'm loving the one with the clouds and lightning.

LC said...

Beautiful and dramatic, Ginny!

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