Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunday Sky

These shots are from awhile ago, and were taken at moonrise and twilight.

See that black streak going through the moon? It is a plane flying by.

Know what this is? A streetlight in front of us. It had just turned on.

“God will be your eternal light, your God will bathe you in splendor. Your sun will never go down, your moon will never fade. I will be your eternal light. Your days of grieving are over. All your people will live right and well, in permanent possession of the land.”
Isaiah 60


Chatty Crone said...

Those moon shots are beautiful and that was a plane going by? I enjoyed those. Sure glad we have the Lord! sandie

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful moon and street light shots. My camera is not able to take such lovely moon or light shots.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how pretty... and I would have never guessed that was a plane! It looks like it's flying right next to the moon, waaaaaaay far away! Love, Andrea xoxo

Sandi said...

POWERFUL scripture.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in this case, the man made light is my favorite.LOVE IT. lamplight ART. the moon with plane looks like someone drew on the moon with a marker.

George said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and that wonderdul scripture.

Jocelyn Anastasia said...
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Rose said...

Beautiful shots, Ginny. I see you got the same spam as Sandra.

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

What a beautiful Moon!

DeniseinVA said...

What a neat series of photos, all beautiful! I love the one of the moon over the hills and the street light is a great way to finish. I love the Isiah quote also.

Tamago said...

Beautiful moon shots! The one with a plane flying by is amazing! The streetlight is so beautiful, too. I’ve never seen streetlights in such artistic way. Great capture!

Thankful for Grace said...

Absolutely stunning photos!

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...another spammer. I wish these people would get a life.

Beautiful photos Ginny!

Inger said...

Isaiah is my favorite of the Old Testament prophets. Thank you for today's verse and also for the gorgeous moon shots.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....enjoyed these beautiful pictures....You always have great pictures of the moon....

GretchenJoanna said...

Your moon pictures are wonderful, and the verse from Isaiah -- so striking, makes me think of the book of Revelation. And the Creed, where it says the Son is "Light of Light, true God of true God..."

Thank you!!

Ann said...

Your moon shots are always fantastic. How cool that that little black line is an airplane.

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful.. the April full moon will be on my son Sam's birthday this year. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ginny, what gorgeous photos! Thank you for sharing them with us.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...