Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Masked Bandits

This would be Phil and I. I think we look like bank robbers. I made these masks today, the no-sew kind. They are hard to breathe thru! So what precautions are YOU taking?


Chatty Crone said...

Those are great - glad you have something there.
It does feel funny to wear a mask - doesn't it?
Love, sandie

Terra said...

I have one of those molded white paper masks, usually used for woodworking. I guess I should try it on. I haven't been in a store in 30 days. Yep, bank robbers for sure. Bonnie and Clyde?

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Ginny... *haha*.... I got a good laugh from your "bandits" comment! :-D What precautions are we taking? We're keeping our rear-ends home! That's the only thing we can do to help, so we're doing it. Love, Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

We need to wear mask and we are using the surgical mask whenever we have to go out to the stores. Initially, I feel awkward wearing a mask and uncomfortable to breath.

Reanaclaire said...

I use the 3 ply disposal masks.. I only wear when I go out, not in the house... not comfortable but at this time, all of us must wear to prevent.

Natalia said...

Masks are so needed these days, stay safe and healthy everyone!

Ann said...

The masks are hard to breathe through but don't you two look trendy in yours :)

Hootin Anni said...

Hard to breathe, a bit cumbersome, but a nessessity. Your Phil is brave...Bud wouldn't allow me to get HIM in a picture with a mask.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you done good, and the video I sent you is even easier and it feels better, I feel like I can breathe better

George said...

We also look like bandits in our home-made masks.

Inger said...

I have been thinking that I wouldn't want to be a bank teller right now!

Carla from The River said...

My mom made masks for us.. she is a fantastic seamstress. We met 1/2 way at a park and she extended a bag for me using a long pole.. I did the same, we exchanged a few goodies.

Rose said...

I have never seen a masked bandit with quite so colorful masks! Even on TV. I wonder if there is a call for them that

Tamago said...

I made no-sewing mask, too, and yes, it's so hard to breathe! I may try different materials. Stay safe xo

Buttercup said...

I'm getting used to wearing a mask any time I go outside. I've had to get used to how hot I get wearing it and adjust my outer wear. I also bring latex gloves and I use them when I go into a store. I carry hand sanitizer and use it if I inadvertently touch something. The biggest change is when I come home after being at the store. I wash my hands five or six times. Before I take off my jacket, after I take off my jacket, washing my glasses and then if I need to wash off groceries. Keeps me from going out very much! Take care, Ginny.

A Joyful Chaos said...

I've been going through my fabric stash trying to find the most breathable fabric. Sadly I gave most of my elastic away last fall, but tie strings work as well.


DeniseinVA said...

We have the masks thanks to my daughter-in-law's mother who made them for us. And we now are washing our hands like a surgeon. I had hand sanitizer before all this started so all set there. You look like two cute and colorful bandits :)

The Happy Whisk said...

The masks look great!

Anonymous said...

You two are adorable! Love the masks! I haven't been out so haven't used one aside from my scarf. The NJ governor just mandated wearing masks when out (may be just in grocery stores but not sure). xo

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am staying away from other people, except to get groceries, when needed.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...