Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Through The WiresThursday

This is probably my favorite through the wires photo. 

These windmills on a stormy day might have been a perfect picture, except for the wires. Let's hope those geese didn't fly into these!

“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” ~Chinese Proverb


Hootin Anni said...

My be honest, I have never seen wind mills' blades painted like sun flowers. I really, really like the idea. And the flock of geese thru the wires, the sky colors is a work of art.

Ann said...

The colors in the sky on that first one are simply wonderful. Those windmills are great the way they are painted.

Sandi said...


Natalia said...

Love that quote☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the wires make it interesting, I love the windmills, and also hope the geese missed the wires. we have lost eagles to power lines recently. so sad. the photo says That's Life, always a few wires to be found in our daily lives..

Sue said...

I love to see the geese when they fly over the farm sometimes they land in the pasture and will stay for a few days, once we had a pair stay and raise some young ones.
beautiful photos, Ginny.

Rose said...

I love your header shot!

The Padre said...

Oh My, Love Both Of These Photos -The Red Barn Is A Beauty - The Caffeine Rainbow Caught My Eye - A Field Of Grape Hyacinth Calls Out Spring Is In The Air - Well Done


Tamago said...

Color gradation in the first picture is amazing! And the windmills in the 2nd picture is very cute. They look like sunflowers :-) Love that proverb.

George said...

Those are probably the prettiest windmills I've ever seen.

photowannabe said...

As Sandra was talking about in her comment..nothing is perfect and there are always a few wires to get in our way.
Love the yellow windmills.
Have a great day Ginny.

Carla from The River said...

Oh,I like that first photo. Well done Ginny!

The Feminine Energy said...

Few words are needed, aren't they. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sometimes the wires work to our advantage .

Chatty Crone said...

I love that quote!

Carol said...

The windmill picture is perfect even with the wires. It reminds me there is a storm on the horizon that we are learning to fight within our own lines.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely Ginny, these lines really work in your photos, especially with those pretty skies. The first one makes a wonderful header. I have never seen a windmill painted in such pretty contrasting colors of yellow and green, like a huge sunflower :) Enjoyed the Chinese Proverb also.

Buttercup said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny! I'm so enjoying my friends' blogs. Right now it's my next best to being able to travel. Take care!

Nancy Chan said...

Sometimes these power lines make good pictures. Take care and stay safe.

L. D. said...

It is a nice shot that you captured through the wires. I like the wind mills with colors.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...