Monday, February 8, 2021

A New Dr. Suess Book?


“I am pleased that lying on the sofa being a slob is finally considered the responsible thing to do.”

~Matt Haig

“All disaster movies start with the government ignoring a scientist.”

 ~Protest sign, Brussels climate crisis demonstration

Day 1:  I have stocked up on enough non-perishable food and supplies to last me for months, maybe years, so that I can remain in isolation for as long as it takes to see out this pandemic.
Day 1 + 45 minutes:  I am in the supermarket because I wanted a Twix.
~@Michael1979, tweet, 2020 March 12th

“Now that I've lived through an actual plague, I see why Renaissance paintings are full of naked fat people laying on couches.”

~Internet meme, summer 2020


Reanaclaire said...

hahahaha.. that is really cute.. so now no one can call us potato couch already! It is one of the safest place to be.... stay home and keep safe, everyone!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Those quotes etc are hilarious but unfortunately true. Very sad.

CheerfulMonk said...

😀 I especially like Dr. Suess.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I am looking forward to the day (although I am afraid it's never going to come) when this isn't all we talk about every day, all day. I am afraid that too many people are enjoying it too much to ever let it go. xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love every single one of them! Thanks for my first lap of the early morning I woke up at 2:15 and could not go back to sleep so I got up at 3 and here I am. My very favorite of all of these is dr. Seuss fauci

Hootin Anni said...

A new book of rhymes...I like it.

Ann said...

These are good ones. It's nice to be able to find some humor in this.

Maria said...

Peço por todas as pessoas que se livrem desse mal ( Corona Vírus ), que Deus ponha a mão sobre cada um e tire essa doença maligna, e que nos afaste cada vez mais desse vírus, peço saúde para a humanidade que juntos com a força da oração nos livraremos juntos desse mal, que nenhuma peste chegará as portas da sua casa. Amém

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my gosh, Ginny.... these are just too funny. I love the book by Dr. Fauci!!! :-D ~Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

Great quotes. Lol! I especially like the last one about the Renaissance paintings.

Martha said...

I love all of these lol!

George said...

Thanks for the smiles. I love this post.

Rose said...

I so love the diary Day 1 +45 minute line....LOL

DawnTreader said...

Good collection of quotes! :)

Chatty Crone said...

That is so true and I am finding my hips are hurting from sitting to much!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


"I am looking forward to the day (although I am afraid it's never going to come) when this isn't all we talk about every day, all day. I am afraid that too many people are enjoying it too much to ever let it go. xoxo "

Ahhhh yes. Too many people, in *Power,* enjoying the _Power_ it gives them!!! To keep the massses, in Complete Terror. And to keep the masses, looking to those in *Power,* to Save them.

photowannabe said...

HaHa..Ginny you made me laugh with your quotes today..
Dr. Suess knock-off is funny but too true too.

Jeanette said...

Those are very funny and also very true!

Ruth Hiebert said...


The Padre said...

RIP Dr And Always Enjoyed The Metzger Humor - Thanx For The Entertainment


DeniseinVA said...

Love this post. It gave me a few chuckles. It it’s important to see the brightness when things can look gloomy. Thanks Ginny :)


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