Wednesday, February 24, 2021

They're Back!

 The robins are here; they came back about a week ago. In snow and ice. It seems they return earlier every year.

Why would they return when the weather is so bad? Do they migrate according to the weather, or time? Anyway, they are busily fighting over territory now.

I heard the sweet voice of a robin,
      High up in the maple tree,
      Joyously, singing his happy song
      To his feathered mate, in glee!...
If we could be like this tiny bird,
      Just living from day to day,
      Holding no bitterness in our hearts
      For those we meet on our way...

~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "Heaven on Earth"


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful robins and beautiful words from "Heaven on Earth".

crafty cat corner said...

I noticed the other day that our sparrows are back checking out the eves in the houses for nesting, it all seems to have come back so quickly.

Ann said...

I haven't seen any here yet but it won't be long. Love that sweet poem

Reanaclaire said...

Fly Robin Fly, up up to the sky! Remember this song? Must be in the 1970s. Robins are very cute birds!

Hootin Anni said...

We had a lot of Robins this year...highly unusual!

Ella said...

Beautiful robins, I can say ... "Fly Robin Fly..."
(hit from Silver Convention from 1975)
Very nice photo!

Maria said...

Que a gente não perca a capacidade de se encantar com o que é simples!

Martha said...

A sign of spring for sure!

Rose said...

I have seen a few robins here...but then I see a few other places all year. But they leave my yard in kate summer and I dont see them again till spring.

Chatty Crone said...

You know here in GA I am not sure if they go south or not????

DawnTreader said...

I guess it depends a bit on how far birds migrate, for those who fly a long way I suppose it may be a nasty shock to be met by colder weather than expected on arrival?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to bad us humans aren't like the robins. so sweet as is ther song

The Feminine Energy said...

Some robins stay all winter but most leave & come back in spring. My husband mentioned he saw one when picking up the curbside order from Walmart yesterday. I didn't want to burst his excitement bubble by telling him I saw one in our pear tree a couple weeks ago. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

Catherine said...

Our robins here are different. I like the poem .

George said...

We had at least one robin that stayed here all winter. I hope others will show up and bring Spring with them.

Jeanette said...

I haven't seen a robin yet but I haven't been out much! They are a joyous sign of the coming of spring aren't they?

photowannabe said...

Beautiful poem.
We have a few of the robins congragating in our yard too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may be wrong, but I think birds migrate according to the time, not the weather. The first Robin is always a thrill.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ahhh yes,,, that fighting for territory and a mate!!!!

Sounds of spring.



Mari said...

We saw one last week when we were driving home from church. Such a happy sight!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The robins arrived herea couple of weeks before the big snow storm, during which they disappeared. They are back now and I love to watch them hopping around looking for food.

DeniseinVA said...

Super photos of the robins. I am looking forward to seeing them again this spring :)

Anne M Robinson said...

Beautiful post. Love the robins and the words are simply lovely. Thank you for sharing.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love that little poem about robins.
Haven't seen any around here yet.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I don't know but it means that spring is here! Or nearly ... here, yesterday, it felt like summer. xoxo


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