Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I'm Watching You

 Nice watch, isn't it?

It is actually a giant watch! Here is Phil standing beside it to give perspective.

We saw it in the art gallery of a college art department.

The band is made of wood.

Do you wear a watch? I think they are becoming a thing of the past, because most people tell the time on their cell phones now. Will cell phones make watches obsolete?


“Watches are so named as a reminder — if you don't watch carefully what you do with your time, it will slip away from you.”

~Terri Guillemets


“Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design?”



Nancy Chan said...

Wow! That is a giant watch. I no longer wear a watch, have been relying on the cell phone when I want to see the time.

Reanaclaire said...

I have a few watches at home and I seldom wear them unless I go for long trips. That is a really giant watch over there!

Ann said...

Wow, that is giant. I haven't worn a watch in a very long time. Now you see people with smart watches that do way more than just tell time

Hootin Anni said...

I read quite a while ago that kids don't learn how to read a clock.

Martha said...

That is one giant and beautiful watch!

Rose said...

I feel naked without a watch....

George said...

I wear a smart watch, but I'm glad it's not nearly as big as this one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wear a watch when going out because i leave my phone in the car, i don't shop with it. i do take it in doc offices if i have to wait. this watch is for sure a work of art, i would not want to meet the man who could wear it. ha ha. love that ship

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, I wear a watch... my mother's, actually. :-) I love this wooden watch. It really is a work of art! ~Andrea xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my that is a HUGE watch! lol
I still wear a watch - do you?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I don't wear a watch, but my husband does.

That's a big one!

Linda said...

I have some watches but I haven't worn one in years!!

DawnTreader said...

I never wear my watch at home, but put I always put it on when I go out. I find a wristwatch a lot more convenient than checking the time on the phone when I'm out walking. Even if I do always try to remember to take the phone with me (for emergencies), I don't normally use the phone much when I'm out - except sometimes as camera, if I don't have my other camera with me. Usually it remains buried deep in my handbag.

Inger said...

I came here to answer your covid vaccine question. I'm supposed to get my second shot on Saturday, but I have't heard from the hospital. Last time the called. I don't have an appointment confirmed so will call them tomorrow.

I looked more at Phil than at the watch, such a nice looking man. But the watch is cool too. I never liked to wear a watch or a bracelet, so having the time on my phone works very well for me. That said, I like old clocks. There are different names for different timepieces in Sweden: clock is klocka, which is close; wrist watch was armbandsur, now probably changed to klocka as well, cause it sounds awfully ancient, but what do I know. Have you had your vaccine yet?

photowannabe said...

I just love Fine Workmanship like that.
I always wanted to do creations with wood..but alas..I never did. I love the smell of going in a lumber yard and fresh cut wood.

Diane said...

What a fabulous wooden watch thanks for sharing it.

Hugs Diane

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a huge watch. Yes, I am not ready for my day until my watch is on my arm.

Mari said...

That is one big watch! It's really beautifully made.
I need a watch on too.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thanks for the warm re-welcome...oh my the watch/art is just awesome!

DeniseinVA said...

I like this watch very much. How nice to see Phil in the photo. I don’t wear a watch any more though I still keep my old one safely tucked away.

Jeanette said...

I have worn a watch pretty much every day of my adult life! Now I wear a iwatch which connects to my phone so I can see pretty much everything on my phone with out actually looking at my phone! Crazy! I feel naked with I don[t wear it!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that is some enormous watch.
I still own a watch, but rarely wear it anymore.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I had not worn a wristwatch in more years than I can remember. Then I became aware in recent years of a ladies' watch by Bulova called the Rubaiyat. Since it had a poetic name and comes in many versions, some of which are quite beautiful, I picked one out and put it on my ever-changing wish list. My family bought it for me for my birthday last year and I am amazed at how much I enjoy wearing it. It's somewhat chunky so I was afraid it would interfere with my bracelets, of which I wear several. But no! It is comfortable and stylish and I just love having the time on my arm. xoxo


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