Tuesday, February 2, 2021

He Has Spoken

How many of you knew that today was Groundhog Day? But I can't let this post continue till SOMEONE has some coffee.

There, that's better. Now I am wondering how many of you are still in your P.J,'s?

Now, on to the forecast...

This is what Puxatawny Phil had to say today.

It is a beautiful morning this I can see,
With all my fans viewing virtually.
With my faithful followers being safe and secure,
Our tradition of Groundhog Day must endure.
We all have passed through the darkness of night,
But now see hope of morning’s bright light. 
When I turn to see, there is a perfect shadow cast of me. 
Six more weeks of winter there will be!

Here are some of our local groundhogs.

Did you know that during the filming of "Groundhog Day", the groundhog bit Bill Murray two times! He had to have rabies shots.

Bye for now! (this photo from the web.)


Linda said...

You are so much fun!!

Reanaclaire said...

Oh first time I heard of Groundhog day! They are indeed looking cute there.. hahaha..

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute! I enjoyed this a lot.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a fun post!

Nancy Chan said...

Oh, they look so cute. Thank you, I had my morning coffee and I am no longer in my PJs. Lol!

The Feminine Energy said...

Yep, I heard that ole Phil saw his shadow, so there's 6 more weeks of winter. Somehow I figured that would be the case. It wouldn't have surprised me if Phil would have seen two shadows and said there was 12 more weeks to winter! That's how it feels anyway!! ~Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet poetry...darling clipart. You certainly made my morning. And a jelly filled donut to boot!!

Ella said...

He was too sleepy to tell the truth ... spring is just around the corner!
They are such a cute critters ...

Ann said...

The sun wasn't shining here yesterday so I wondered how he could possibly see his shadow.
I did know Billy Murray had been bitten by the groundhog.

Rose said...

That's a great poem...

Martha said...

So cute! I had no idea Bill Murray got bit when filming the movie. You would think they could have got a friendlier groundhog!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love this post, the first few funnies made me laugh, of course i am happy we will have 6 weeks of winter if that means here in Florida, because summer makes me crazy. but i would not be happy if i lived in cold country. did not know about the groundhog bite. they are cute

Inger said...

I used to have a groundhog in my garden when I lived in New Jersey. I was not fond of him, not at all. But these are all pretty cute and since we have no groundhogs here, I will let bygones be bygones.

George said...

Thanks for a great Groundhog Day post.

Chatty Crone said...

Cute post! Ours said six more weeks of winter too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think this guy is right. we will have at least 6 more weeks of winter.

Mari said...

That crazy groundhog! I wish he would give us a good prediction once. :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwww! I love Punxsutawney Phil! But I never found out this time what he predicted! Haaahaha it's all good. xo

Anne Robinson said...

Ouch! Rabies shots are terribly painful! I love the Farmer's ALmanac the very best. But Phil has earned quite a reputation for himself. He can take this cold and deliver it to Elsa at Frozen. Haha


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