Saturday, February 13, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021

Here I am in a big puff of smoke, as The Wizard Of Love, to wish each of you Happy Valentine'sDay!


"I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon."

~Author unknown


CheerfulMonk said...

👏👍👏. Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ella said...

Gorgeous photo!
Happy Valentine's day! 💞 🌹

Hootin Anni said...

This post... is like a box of chocolates!
~Forrest Gump

Love that glass heart ornament. And, you, the Wizard of Love!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Valentine's Day now we have a wizard of Valentine's Day. You look adorable and I love love love that glass heart but you knew I would

NanaDiana said...

Hapy Valentine's Day, Ginny. Love you in the puff of smoke! xo Diana

Martha said...

I love the photo of you and love the quote at the end too lol. Happy Valentine's Day Ginny!

The Feminine Energy said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Ginny. You make an awfully cute puff of red smoke! :-D ~Andrea xoxo

George said...

Happy Valentine Day to you and all your valentines.

Jeanette said...

That is a clever and beautiful photo!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So cute you are!!!!

💕 💓 💗 💖 💗 💓 💕

Chatty Crone said...

How did you do that smoke? I love it.
Have a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day! ♥♥♥

Rose said...

Oh, I so love The Tin Man...need to remember that idea.

Happy Valentine's day!

Mari said...

These are great! Happy Valentines Day!

Ann said...

Wow, you really went all out for Valentines Day. That first picture is pretty cool

Shug said...

Such neat pictures Ginny. Hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day with your love..

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may be a little late, but Happy Valentines Day .

Reanaclaire said...

Wow Ginny! At a glance, I thought it was a fireman! LOL.... Happy Valentine to you and family!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haahaaa you make a great wizard of love. Hope your Valentine's Day was special and memorable. xoxo


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