Monday, February 15, 2021

The Shot

Today was a big day. We got our first covid vaccinations!! It was foggy, snowy, and wet when we left. So I wondered if we were going to be able to get there.

We got our shots right away, and did not even have to wait! A retired doctor administered them, then they gave us our appointment for the second shot. It was so easy, and nothing like the awful scenes of long lines on the news. What a relief!

“I'm either coming out of this quarantine 50 lbs lighter or 100 lbs heavier, only time will tell.”

~Chris Burns


“Not in one single episode of The Walking Dead did I see people fighting over toilet paper.”



“I need to do some social distancing from the refrigerator.”

 ~Internet meme


Ann said...

So glad you had a good (and quick) experience. I've heard of others waiting for hours.

Ella said...

I'm glad you got vaccinated. The Netherlands has made a mess of the vaccination program! I won't know when it's our turn!

The Feminine Energy said...

Good for you guys, Ginny!! Let us know how you feel. ~Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

Good that you have got your first vaccine shot. Are you feeling any side effect?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Miles clapping that you got your first vaccine shot so happy they let you get it and that you have your appointment for the next one now I'm just praying that we will get our first one sometime we're on a long list and we have no idea when we will get hours. I came here thinking I was going to see your double exposure because in my comment today you said today you posted your first one but I don't see it

Martha said...

Love your double exposure header today! So glad you got the vaccine and that it was quick and easy. Are you feeling any effects from it today?

George said...

I'm glad you were able to get your first shot without any problems. It took us over seven hours to get our first shot, but the second shot was a snap. I''m glad we got them.

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you got your first shot. I am due for my second sometime soon - they have to call me!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Speaking of shots, that second one of the silo is fantastic! xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Such a pretty Header!

Please do keep us updated, on how you feel, after the 1st shot. Which one was it, by the way.

When are you scheduled for the 2nd shot?

We are in our 80's and still unsure, about getting it. Our doctor's office group, has places set up, to administer. But so far, we have not had any word from them, that they have the any vaccine. *Good ol' NYS...

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oooops... You have your appointment for 2nd shot!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good for you. I wish i could already get mine.

DawnTreader said...

I'm glad it went smoothly for you with the first shot! I'll probably have to wait at least another month before it's my turn. On the other hand, hopefully it will be spring by then, and less risk of snow-storm on the day...

Rose said...

We get ours next month...hoping it is easy. I have heard more good stories than bad, but sure did hear one bad one from a blogger.

photowannabe said...

Good for you..glad it went so easily too.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOOT! WOOT! Good for you and continue to stay healthy,

DeniseinVA said...

So good you had a smooth experience. Happy for you two :)

Jeanette said...

Glad you were able to get your first shot! I'm still waiting but probably won't be until the summer if at all.

CheerfulMonk said...

Congratulations! I'm glad it went smoothly and you didn't have a reaction.


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...