Thursday, May 6, 2021

Lawn Mower Races

 This evening, we came across this man riding his lawn mower down the street. This happens quite abit here.

In a previous post, I showed what appears to be a lady taking her grandbaby out on the road for a spin on her power mower.

Does this hpppen where you live, or is it just in small southern towns?

“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.”

 ~James Dent


Reanaclaire said...

Not here in my place... hahaha... it is quite dangerous to go on the roads here even in a residential place, sometimes the vehicles are quite fast on the roads and they couldn't stop in time.

Hootin Anni said...

Around here it"s golf carts!!!

Ann said...

It happens in small northern towns too. I've got mowers going up and down my street all the time

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no one rides on the streets here, it is against the law, but we are in the city. out East about 20 miles they do it a lot, i have seen them on TV, they are in a more country like enviroment out there. the problem is, there have been several deaths because of it . that includes lawn mowers, tractors and the small ATV;s

Nancy Chan said...

These mower vehicles are not allowed on the roads here.

Rose said...

Tes, it happens here...I dont think as much as it used to though.

Inger said...

I've never seen this. And this being California, you would probably get a traffic ticket for driving something unregistered on a public road.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't think this would ever happen where I live. I do see a golf cart or two in the neighborhood.

Jeanette said...

I do occasionally see someone riding their lawn mower down the street, especially if they live in our community and cut other peoples grass! Bet that baby was enjoying that ride!

Martha said...

Nope, it's golf carts here in Florida. :)

photowannabe said...

If that happened around here they would get a ticket Big Time!
It looks like Grandma is having a ball with her kiddo.

DeniseinVA said...

It is too built up in my immediate neighborhood to have these on the roads. My husband once drove his parents mower down to our house. We lived 500 years away, this being around 40 years ago. A police officer stopped him and no ticket but gave him a warning not to do that again. It was a quiet neighborhood and a narrow road but rules are rules I guess.

The Feminine Energy said...

We live out in the county and the only machines we see on the road are the big farm equipment-type stuff. Actually it's illegal here to "joy ride" on a lawn mower on the road. Our county roads are so narrow it would be very dangerous. But heck, it gives you something different to look at, eh? I like the grandma giving the little grandson a ride. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

George said...

We see golf carts on our streets every once in a while, but almost never lawn mowers.

DawnTreader said...

Nope, I've never seen that here... ;)

LV said...

May you be blessed with a special Mother's day. You find some of the most unique things ever.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can't say I've seen it on the main streets, but certainly on lesser traveled ones.

Mari said...

It happens here too! We also have golf carts driving down our country road quite often.

CheerfulMonk said...

We don't see that here, too much traffic, but it does look like fun.

Linda said...

Not in the DFW area.....but certainly inthe country. But they are mostly on four wheelers - which I am getting me one for my birthday this year!!
And Louis Dean is going to get a zero radius lawn mower - wich cost more that my four wheeler!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Around here it's golf carts. I want one so badly. But this reminds me of the 1999 movie "The Straight Story" about a man who made a lengthy journey on his riding lawn mower. I highly recommend the movie. A bit of Americana. Happy Mother's Day, Ginny! xoxo

Tori Chu said...

I never seen this at my place, but it looks so fun if there is any 😁

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It would be against the law here.

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