Friday, May 28, 2021

The Town Houses

 When we moved into our home over 30 years ago, we had a lovely view of the river out back. But since then, they have built townhouses between our back yard and the river. So they are basically in our back yard. The owners do keep them really pretty, though. Here are some shots of how they decorate.

“True luxury is being able to own your time - to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.”

Ashton Kutcher


The Feminine Energy said...

Oh man, Ginny, I bet that broke your heart when you found out about those townhouses going up! But at least they're beautiful to look at. Not as pretty as a river but... it could be worse, I suppose. ~Andrea XOXOXO

DeniseinVA said...

They are very prettily decorated but I would have been very sad to lose the river view.

CheerfulMonk said...

Buildings going up and destroying views is happening everywhere. The population keeps growing and people need houses. ☹️

Reanaclaire said...

Though you don't have the river view anymore, at least it is good to have nice and tidy neighbors...

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty, yes...but the river view would be better. At least up until the river floods...the townhouses will get the water while you are protected.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is sad, it is good they are taking care of what you can see. I would not like having them in my back yard. we are surrouded by houses on every side, and that is why we have a privacy fence... love that pig and also the gorgeous plants on the steps.... I would not be able to keep all those plants alive, but would if i could. you get to view without caring for them

Ann said...

That's a shame that you lost your view of the river. At least the people living in the townhouses are keeping them up. Some people don't seem to care what their houses or yards look like.
There is a house across the street from me that has a covered front porch and it's full of junk.

Martha said...

At least they keep them decorated beautifully. Too bad you lost your river view though.

Carol said...

Beautiful townhomes, but I would hate seeing them instead of the river. I will say that I love the pig in the bright red wagon. I sure wish I had that decorating gene.

George said...

It's nice that your neighbors decorate their townhouses so prettily, but I think I would still prefer the river view.

Inger said...

Sorry about losing the river view. But you are right, they are decorating their homes and taking care of them, which is so important. I love the piglet.

Jeanette said...

That's nice that they do keep them up and they do look pretty! Still, a view of the river would be preferred! The pig in the wagon is cute!

photowannabe said...

Beautiful upkeep of those condos but sorry about your view disappearing.
Love the quote about luxury...that's right on!

Chatty Crone said...

They look pretty - we are going to move eventually - I would love one of those.

Maria Rodrigues said...

It was a shame that they built in front of your house and took the view of the river, but at least the houses are very well decorated.
Have a peaceful and excellent Sunday

Mari said...

I'm sorry you lost your view! The landscaping is pretty though, and that pig is so cute!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The porch with the white wicker furniture iso the one I would like to have.

Nancy Chan said...

I would rather have the river view. Good thing the house is beautifully decorated with lovely plants and flowers and they are very pleasing to the eyes.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Not as nice as looking at the river, but you are lucky they take good care of their properties.

Happy Memorial Day...
💛"They hover, as a cloud of witnesses, above this nation."💛

L. D. said...

Such a great variety of displays.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh wow. I would have gone into official mourning on the day they started putting those up to block your view. I don't care how cute they decorate their porches. Just no. Ugh. Your positive and gracious attitude is commendable. xoxo

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