Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Social Media

 I happened to see this online,and just had to post it! When I was a kid, I had one of those little diarys with a lock and key. What about you?

YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, are merging. The new program will be called YouTwitFace.

~Author unknown


Linda said...

Now that's funny!!!!

Reanaclaire said...

LOL... true true!! Now our diary is our blogs! We like people to read and when we get unhappy when people don't come by to read...hahaha...

CheerfulMonk said...

That's brilliant. 😊

Hootin Anni said...


Ann said...

Funny and true. I did have one of those diaries. I don't know if I wrote in it ever day or not

Vicky Cahyagi said...

Great quote. In social media, post what we think but think before we post. I followed your blog now. Thx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I still have the one I got when I was 15, it has only 8 pages with writing on it, I kept it because those 8 pages say so much about my misery as a teen. i am not a journal writer. of course i now write what happens on my blog so that might count

DawnTreader said...

Love the quote. I had a diary like that in my early teens, I never kept up any diary for long though, and have not kept it as I did not want anyone to read it. I find blogging a bit different, and also other social media, as they are written for others to read.

DeniseinVA said...

Love this Ginny :). Thank you for this early morning chuckle.

Martha said...

This is so true! Of course I remember the little diaries. :)

George said...

That's quite a comment on the changes in our society over the years.

Rose said...

Yes, I had one of those little diaries but did not write in it much.....

Jeanette said...

I have two diaries from when I was in elementary school until the end of Middle school. The latter one I had to do some editing on a few years ago just in case my kids came across then after I was gone! They bring back a lot of memories!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Don't remember keeping one, but I certainly know of them. -smile-

Gorgeous Header!!!!!!!!

And what a delightful quote!

Don't think I ever said how much I appreciate, the work that goes into finding your appropriate quotes each day!!!

I have said how fabulous is your way of blogging, with a new Header and blog look, each day. Need to say, about your daily quotes, too!!!!

Keep up the good work, my Dear.

🌿😊💛Blogs are little First Amendment machines.💛😊🌿

photowannabe said...

I kept on through jr. high into high school but I guess I was afraid someone would read it...don't know why..I am an only child so no siblings to trespass and I really never did anything to be scared that it would get me into trouble.
My journal now is my yearly printed photoblog book.

L. D. said...

I like it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Unfortunately that is all to true.

Chatty Crone said...

LOL How true!

Mari said...

Very true!
I had one of those little diaries too, but was never very faithful at writing in it.

Shug said...

Oh my goodness Ginny....this is SO TRUE! I journal everyday and it is so super satisfying to me. Social Media can sometimes get a bit too much. Have a good evening

Nancy Chan said...

So true. Those days, diary is a personal and private thing and we keep it under lock. Now people are posting their personal and private lives on social media for everyone to read and see.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Lots of vulgarity out there. So crass, so classless, to overshare and pander for compliments. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, spoken by Jennifer Jones in the movie Good Morning, Miss Dove: "Reticence, Virginia, is the sine qua non of gentility." Indeed. xoxo

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