Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Today I turned 73. It is kind of hard to wrap my head around, but there you have it! Our son Mike and the granddaughters came over, bearing gifts! Here is me & Mike. At one time, I WAS taller than him, of course! Pay NO attention to my hair!! I have not been able to get it cut in ages!

Here is Mike with our oldest granddaughter Anne Marie.

Teenagers always seem to wear the coolest socks!

Here are all three sisters.

And me with them.

I got a plant and a card. Wish I knew what this plant is...some kind of African Violet or Begonia? Does anyone know? The flowers are upside down!

Our youngest drew the card freehand!

And there was a surprise inside...a Target gift card! We ALL love Target!

"Anticipate the day as if it was your birthday and you are turning six again."

 ~Mike Dolan


Hootin Anni said...

Your plant is a cyclamen (not sure if spelling). They come in many colors

Happy, happy birthday Ginny

Ann said...

Happy Birthday. That card is fantastic. Your granddaughter is quite the artist. So glad you got to visit with them all for your birthday. I didn't know what the plant was but see Anni had the answer. It's pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I looked up the plant by pushing my finger on it and it says Cyclamen persicum . I love searching with google lens, makes me look smart. Your grandaughter is really talented, love the socks and I have 3 pair of those shoes and in winter wear black socks with mine. so happy for you that they could come over this year to visit and bring gifts. I see you have the new colors in your kitchen, aqua is the new color every where we look

crafty cat corner said...

Have a lovely Birthday Ginny, your look so wonderful
I didn't realise you are a Pisces just like me, my Birthday is on the 15th and I shall be 76.
Shame you all had to have masks on for the photos.
Birthday hugs from UK

Nancy Chan said...

Happy belated birthday to you, Ginny! Age is only a number. Most important is that your heart feels young. I haven't come across such plant. Your youngest grand daughter is an artist. It is a sweet card on the birthday card.

Rose said...

Happy belated birthday! It looks like it was a goid one.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday.
I know exactly what you mean - the age is 73 but the mind can't believe it.
I am sure you are glad the family came over!
What beautiful girls.

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday. I see your flowers have been identified. :)
What a lovely card your granddaughter made for you. They are the best kind!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I am a day late but wow 73 already! Congrats and have many more birthdays.. I love that the card was used as part of your header. Cool.

Inger said...

Happy Birthday! And what a cute card. Have a wonderful day.

photowannabe said...

What a nice birthday you had...awesome card by your granddaughter and who doesn't love a gift card?
I was going to say Cyclamen too. Lots of colorful flowers.
Happy belated birthday..

Ruth Hiebert said...

The blessings of family. Tell me, how is 73? I will be joining you there in June.

Martha said...

Happy birthday Ginny! I hope you've had a wonderful day. Big hugs!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy Birthday, Ginny. It looks like celebrating with your family was the best part besides the Target Gift Card!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


73, oh mercy how young you are!!!!!!!!

But why are you all wearing masks?

Gentle hugs...

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday Ginny! What wonderful gifts from your son and family. I LOVE Target. You will have fun shopping there and getting a nice treat for yourself. That is the cutest birthday card, and so special because it was made by little hands. And it's a good drawing too. What a special time you had with your family.


L. D. said...

Happy birthday for sure. Gift cards are fun.

Mari said...

Happy Birthday! You look great!

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday and looks like you had a sweet celebration. Your hair looks great but I know how you feel, I am way overdue getting mine done.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Your comments, on my blog, are such a joy!

You notice aspects of my Header and Background, which no one else does. Or at least, no one else speaks of. :-)

You noticed that my Background, matches the unique color of the flower in my Header!

Actually, I had to "play with" the color and etc., of my Header picture, to manipulate it, to mostly-match, with my Background. Which was a little work. And wondering if anyone would even notice it.....

And you did!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

Gentle hugs,
🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼

Beside a babbling brook... said...


That "Ufa88incambodia" post.......

It has a click-able link in it.......

I do not like click-able links, which are unknown to me....

And I NEVER click on them.....

In fact, I put this comment in SPAM, when it came into my blog...

Just sayin'........

DawnTreader said...

I see you already got the answer about the flower - cyclamen. I've had them from time to time (been given them). They're pretty but alas I find them rather difficult, I seem never to be able to keep them alive very long!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Looks like your birthday was very happy! We are both March babies. I turned 65 on the 7th and I'm having a very hard time getting my head around that too. xoxo

Linda said...

Happy HAPPY Birthday! I'm ahead of you! I've been 73 since September!

Jeanette said...

Happy Birthday! How nice you got to visit with your family!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

A very belated Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a lovely day.
Your comment about Mike once being shorter than you made me smile. All my grands and great-grands enjoyed the routing of standing next to me in front of the mirror every time we got together to see how close to being taller than me they were. Now all but three of them tower over me, and I'm sure it won't be long before the last three do as well, haha.

Amaryllis Day 4

 The amaryllis has started to bloom! It looks like it will be white! “Plants are like people: they’re all different and a little bit strange...