Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Thin Blue Line

 This sculpture sits on the wall of police headquarters in the city of Richmond, Virginia. It is called "Thin Blue Line".

You can see that the blue line runs down from the top of the building to the bottom of the face.

It was made from stainless steel by Michael Stutz.

“Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off.”

Tom Cotton


Nancy Chan said...

Interesting sculpture. The quote by Tom Cotton is so true. Enjoy your weekend.

Ann said...

What an amazing sculpture that is.

Hootin Anni said...

I guess it means something that I'm not getting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the artist is truly gifted. its beautiful and tells a story also..

Rose said...

That quote is so true.

Chatty Crone said...

I love that!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

How wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!

Our Police are the Thin Blue Line, between us and mayhem!

Thank you so much for posting this!!!

And of course, your whole blog look, is delightful.

🌸🌱🌺 Little Break 🌺🌱🌸

CheerfulMonk said...

Blue Bloods is one of my favorite programs. I like that they call them shields rather than badges… I wonder if other localities do the same.

Inger said...

What an intersting way to honor police. I love it. And you, dear Ginnie, always find the best things on your excursions.

Mari said...

This is so cool! Our police need all the support they can get.

Carla from The River said...

Very unique.. and HIGH FIVES to our police. I like the quote, thank you for sharing!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Very striking.

Veronica Lee said...

Such an extraordinary sculpture!

Jeanette said...

I love that! I wish more people would realize that quote!

photowannabe said...

What an amazing sculpture. Thanks for sharing.
I like the quote and the thin blue line for all those lost in law enforcement. Usually its seen across a badge of a fallen officer.

DeniseinVA said...

A very interesting sculpture and a powerful yet poignant quote.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. I also like the pretty blue background you are using on your blog :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Being a police officer is 22nd on the list of most dangerous occupations in the United States. That means that 21 other workers are less likely to return home at night.

LC said...

Intriguing sculpture that hints of the unexpected that officers face regularly.

Bobbie said...

Well that's just so cool!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I'm surprised the leftist rabble rousers in Richmond let that stay up! But I'm glad it's there. xoxo

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