Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Ever heard of Pineberries? Neither did I, until a few days ago. I read an article that said they are a cross between a pineapple and a strawberry, hence the name Pine Berry.

I also read that it is a cross between a regular strawberry and a pale wild South American strawberry. But they taste kind of like pineapples.

There are also different variations of them, from white to paler reds! Yes, this makes it more and more confusing. All these photos are from the web. One thing I do know is that I totally agree with the quote at the bottom!

Fruit only angers my need for chocolate. ~Jason Love


Terra said...

Oh I want some, they sound delicious and I had not heard of them before your post. In the first photo it looks like a jewel, rather reminds me of a Faberge egg that royalty used to buy.

Chatty Crone said...

We have them at all the grocery stores here - I might try them now that I know what they are!

LC said...

Fascinating. I've never heard of these before. Old fashioned strawberries are one of my favorite fruits, and I think I will stick with the traditional strawberry!

Nancy Chan said...

This is new to me. I would love to try some because I love pineapples. Very interesting fruit.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s fascinating, never heard of or seen these before. I definitely haven’t seen them at the store. I would definitely enjoy trying them.

Hootin Anni said...

I've not heard of these. Now I've got to head out to Google to research their origins.

Hootin Anni said...

The strawberry we are all familiar with is the Fragaria x ananassa. Pineberry plants are a cross between Fragaria chiloensis, from Chile and Fragaria virginiana from North America. White strawberries originated in South America in the early 18th century

Ann said...

No, I've never heard of them before. I would love to try them though since I love both strawberries and pineapple.
Love that quote and I agree with it completely.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now I want one of these. Strawberries are my go to for sweets, they don't harm my IBS and they are sweet as sugar . I freeze them fresh, and zap the frozen berry in microwave for 5 seconds and it is like a popcycle.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Ginny,
Happy Birthday to you๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

Sakuranko said...

Oh very cute strawberries darling

Rose said...

They are strange looking. Love that quote.

Bobbie said...

Haha. Yea. I like the quote about chocolate. These fruits are different. I never heard of such a thing.

photowannabe said...

That's a new one for me..I bet they are very expensive but tasty.
Love the quote!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh how delightful!!!!!

They are so cute, they don't even look real!!!!!!

That quote, Oh *naughty* you. Gigggggggles. But I can't eat chocolate. Pout...

Gentle hugs,
๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ

Ruth Hiebert said...

Never heard of them, but they do look interesting . Yes, you can't go wrong with chocolate.
Happy Birthday .

CheerfulMonk said...

I’ve never heard of them either. I’m afraid I love fruit… chocolate not so much. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Jeanette said...

Reminds me of a raisin commercial from a long time ago where a little boys says "Fruits ok but I like candy!" Those look delicious! I would love to try one!

HappyK said...

No, I've never heard of these but sure would like to try one.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

There are so many cross bread items for us to eat but I am ckeptical about their safety to our gut. Gut health is now known to be very important. Can our bodies constantly adapt to genetically made foods?

Debby said...

Wow, I never heard of these before. They are pretty and sound like I would like them. I love both strawberries and pineapple.

Red Rose Alley said...

I've never heard of pineberries. They look interesting. I'd love to try one, and also the South American strawberries. Thanks for sharing, Ginny, I learned something today.


Jenny the Pirate said...

Fascinating! I have never seen or heard of those. xoxo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of them. I wonder what they taste like.

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 Well, well...you won't believe it. Tomorrow, on the very day my stress test is scheduled, we are to have a big sleet and ice storm! So ...