Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Kitchen

 We have had the same neutral and kind of boring blue kitchen for probably over 15 years. And now I want something brighter and more cheerful. Since I have so many Pioneer woman things, I decided to do the kitchen in her colors. The only things I changed were the paint, curtains, and backsplash.

SO, here is the old kitchen:

Now, here is the new that we just did.

I did the backsplash with peel & stick. Cheap and easy.

And it matches really well with all my Pioneer Woman things.

“We’re having guests…your job is to stick these color swatches on the walls, so it looks like we’re doing something about this place.”



DeniseinVA said...

You have a great eye for decorating Ginny. The colors are very pretty and match perfectly with your collections. I like this color combination very much.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the new look and laughed out loud at the quote. ❤️😀

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty! For me personally, I love deep, rich, colors on walls instead of pastels or white. And it's all perfect color theme with your accents. Did you do the painting yourself! High five!!!

Ann said...

Well I liked it before but I really love it now. Of course I like all your pioneer woman items too. That border behind your sink is beautiful. I just love those colors. Well done.

crafty cat corner said...

You did the right thing, that is just lovely. Love, love the tiles.

Rose said...

I like the new look!

Chatty Crone said...

Love the quote and the new look! I love aqua!!!!!!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Aqua is the new IN color and yours is beautiful. I liked your blue and yellow but think I like the new even more. makes my all white look bland. love the curtains and everything goes together. You and I see the same way. except I don't collect things, but our taste is decor is the same

Jeanette said...

Very pretty! Love the backsplash!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love it, Ginny. Everything looks great. I love The Pioneer Woman collection. I just watched her cooking show yesterday. I was thinking of getting a few of her things for my own kitchen. It's bright, cheerful, and Springy. And that gnome is just too cute. I like the backsplash too, it goes well with all the colors. And the picture on the wall really adds something extra. Looks wonderful, Ginny.


Aritha V. said...

Very nice

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So cute...

Lovely to take your plan, from something you love, like the Pioneer Woman collection.

And so much fun, to spruce up a space. Especially in Spring. :-)

And what a great Total Blog Look Go-Together!

🌸 🌷 🌼 🌸 🌷

Hootin Anni said...

By the way Ginny, I forgot to mention the cutest gnome Easter cookie jar!!! Love it.

photowannabe said...

Love the colors and love the pioneer woman style. That gnome is so adorable. Is it a cookie jar?
Love the ending quote...that would work for me!!

HappyK said...

Looks nice and cheery. Like the colors you picked.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the new look. Those peel and stick tiles are fantastic. My son put up a backsplash with them about five years ago and they look as good today as the day he applied them.

Mari said...

I love the colors! It turned out great!

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

I like the Country Women things too. Your colors look lovely, pretty kitchen!

Debby said...

I also have a lot of the Pioneer Woman’s things. I’ve painted my kitchen cabinets which are headboard a seafoam green and my walls are yellow. I love diner retro. I also have some red sprinkled throughout. It’s fun. I like your tiles by your sink. I wanted to do some tiling like that after we put in a deep farmhouse sink and wood countertops. It just needs that pop. Oh well, maybe now is not the time with construction costs so expensive.

Nancy Chan said...

The changes brighten up your place and love the colour combination. Nice quote. Blessed weekend.

George said...

Looking good!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ginny this is brilliant! Those are the happiest colors, and everything PW is just irresistible. So cute! I just bought some of her kitchen towels the other day and I love everything PW that I have! Good work! xoxo

Amaryllis Day 4

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