I would call the colors here fuchsia and magenta. Know the difference? I just Googled it, and fuchsia has a much more purple tint.
Now the drowsy
Slides far away
Into the happy morning
Of someone else's day.
Harry Behn
The amaryllis has started to bloom! It looks like it will be white! “Plants are like people: they’re all different and a little bit strange...
Breathtaking. Fuschia skies is perfect.
Wow, I have never seen a sunset that color.
That is a beautiful sunset! I love fuschia skies.
I would call them beautiful!
...of someone else's day.
That hits a spot. Doesn't it feel like these days are different somehow? Strange times.
Love the purple, fushia, magenta....💜
I love both colors, any thing in reds, burgundy and magentas i love. always have. this is gorgeous
Whatever it is it's beautiful!
Which ever color it is - it is so beautiful!
WOW I don't think I've ever seen the sky that gorgeous color.
I've said it before, you have the best skies, EVER!
I don't believe I have ever seen magenta or fuchsia colored skies before. We tend to get the regular old oranges and reds.
Wow! This is simply astounding. Just amazing color!
These are such beautiful colours. Fuchsia and magenta. I have not seen sunset in these colours.
That is a beautiful photo! The sunset gives that moment such color between day and night
Love the colors!
Hello dear!
These colors look amazing. The photo is beautiful, I would say it was made by computer: D Natura is the best painter :)
Greetings from Poland!
That is truly an amazing sky, Ginny. I've never seen those colors in a sunset or sunrise. I've seen pink and purple hues, but these are bright. What a wonderful sight. Wish I could have seen that.
Have a splendid week, Ginny.
WOW! That's almost scary! :-)
Isn't God's paintbrush amazing?
Wow! What an amazing sky. Just breathtaking.
What a master artist is our God. Who else can create such beauty.
Incredible color in those skies!
WOW I'm not sure I knew that but those sky shots are mind-blowing! Color in the sky is so inspiring ... xoxo
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