Sunday, March 6, 2022

Coffee Corner

 Monday morning is probably when we need coffee the most. Our coffee corner is all fixed up for spring; Easter in particular. I wish we could all get together and have a cup.

A morning without coffee is like sleep.

 ~Author unknown


DeniseinVA said...

I would love that :) your seasonal coffee corners are lovely and fun!

crafty cat corner said...

Wouldn't it be lovely is all us blogger's could meet up for a coffee. I would love to chat with you and all the other lovely people who I communicate with through the blog.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I too would love to have coffeee with my blogger friends and YOU mys sista... your bunnies ae so cute and I love the little blue bunnie on the wall.

Hootin Anni said...

I really like your Easter theme!!

Ann said...

I happen to have my cup of coffee right here so we can have a cup together :)
Your coffee corner is adorable. I just love those mugs. That little bunny sitting next to the Keurig is so cute. Does it hold sugar?

Rose said...

It would be fun to sit together with a cup of coffee.

Jeanette said...

I love how your decorate your little coffee corner!

Martha said...

So cute Ginny! I sure wish we could all come over and join you for a nice cup of coffee, it would be so much fun!

Chatty Crone said...

Cute - it would be fun to have a cup of coffee with you.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Delightful blog look today!

Mmmmm, wish I could still drink real coffee.


So, enjoy some for me!!!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh how I would love to have a cup of coffee with you.

Red Rose Alley said...

That is the cutest coffee corner, Ginny. I love it all! The polka dot bunny cups are delightful. And I love that saying, "but first, coffee. I gave my friend an ornament one year, and it had the same saying on it. I particularly enjoyed your coffee post, as I am a coffee lover.

Have a wonderful week, Ginny.


HappyK said...

I'd love to get together but I'm not a coffee drinker. :)

Linda said...

Wouldn't that be fun????

Mari said...

I don't like coffee, but would still like to get together. Your coffee nook is so cute!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the gnome graphic. ❤️

My Tata's Cottage said...

Your coffee corner is sweet as can be! My husband works for a law firm and he has been an essential employee since the 2020 shut downs. He works with a small group of people, 17 of them. He works with one lady in their department. The others are part of the mail room. Many of the guys he works with are CHristians and they have that strength keeping them strong and resilient!

Nancy Chan said...

Very pretty coffee corner for Spring. I like the cups holder. Yes to coffee!

L. D. said...

Your coffee country is wonderful. I like the Easter theme. We don't have a corner and i have to just squeeze things in on the counters here and there. I really like your white coffee maker.

photowannabe said...

I would love to have a cup of coffee from those darling cups.
Perfect setting for a chat!!

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Looks cute! Gotta havethat coffee

Carla from The River said...

Ginny, I love your coffee corner. Yes, let us have coffee together. :-)

Jenny the Pirate said...

That would be so charming! I always love to see how you decorate your coffee corner. xoxo

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