Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Again With The Fence!

 You may remember that our two youngest granddaughters have been taking tennis lessons. So this week they had a tournament! Mixed doubles.

Phil, our son Mike and his wife were all there to cheer them on.

They played very well. In my head I had visions of them becoming the new Venus & Serena Williams.

Of course the stupid fence got in the way of my snapping!

About halfway through the match, Anne Marie joined us. She is 16 now, and drove over after work. She is now a coach for gymnastics.

Uh-oh, a dispute has broken out!

The sun was setting now, and they never turned on the outside lights!

Not only that, but this was youngest's first day wearing glasses! Melissa showed me a pic on her phone.

Despite all that, the girls played very well. They came over to see us after the match. The pic looks blue because by now it was quite dark.

Driving home with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance.

“Life is like a game of tennis; the player who serves well seldom loses.


Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Those fences have a way of getting in the way. The pics are nice though and the fence is just a part of it all. Congratulations to the girls putting their strength and developing their talent in the game. Oh to be so young again!

DeniseinVA said...

I don’t mind the pictures through the fence. I like your photos, it gives a feeling of actually being there. It is always so nice to see your family. Your granddaughters are lovely young ladies. They look very pretty in their glasses. The frames are a nice shape.

Ann said...

Darn that fence :) How fun to get to watch them play. All three girls are quite athletic. So did they win?

Hootin Anni said...

Great quote!! And, great pictures!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I sit and stare at the three of them and think HOW did they get grown up so fast, seems Anne Marie was a tiny baby and now driving. sounds like a good job for her and it is all great that they are interested in sports. I agree with all the others that the fence if FINE

Jeanette said...

Such beautiful girls!

George said...

I'm glad that you got to see the girls play, even if the fence was in the way.

Chatty Crone said...

I thought those pics were great fence or no fence. Ginny they seem like such a wonderful family. I love that they put the girls into sports. I love the blue in Blueridge, and I love pink!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Great blog look!!!

Yes, new tennis stars in the making. But PRETTY ones.

Must be saving money, with not turning lights on, late. LOL

💛 💛 💛

photowannabe said...

Bravo for "Venus" and "Serena".
Great job and glad you could be there for it.
The glasses look terrific on the youngest...

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwwwww!!!!! How fun to watch the girls play, Ginny! To me, there's nothing better than watching kids play sports...especially outside. The girls are beautiful, Ginny, and all your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them. ~Andrea xoxo

HappyK said...

She looks very nice in her new glasses.
I took A tennis lesson once and the instructor told me I'd better stick to badminton! He wasn't very encouraging so I never took another one.

Carla from The River said...

So sweet Ginny, your grand girls have grown up to be lovely young women.
Good luck to them with the tennis and gymnastics.
xx oo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those girls are very fortunate to have grandparents who come to watch and cheer them on and a Grandma who gets those pictures.

Nancy Chan said...

Great that everyone gets to watch the girls play the tennis tournament. Yeah, to the future stars. I don't mind the fence, the pictures are good. All three have grown up into beautiful ladies.

Red Rose Alley said...

Tennis is such a talented sport. So glad your granddaughters played well that day. That's wonderful that the oldest is a coach for gymnastics. Another talented sport for sure. I'd love to see your mountains. They look pretty, Ginny.


Anne Robinson said...

Great photos! I was never a good tennis player but our daughter Hannah was.She was very good. You share such great stuff. Enjoy your weekend Ginny.

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