Friday, July 1, 2022

The Big Cat July 2022

 The Big cat is all dressed up for The 4th of July, and ready to party!

The lady who owns The Big Cat told me that she buys all of his outfits at the Dollar Store.

"It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can't see."

 ~Eleanor Farjeon


Hootin Anni said...

So patriotic!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is great, she pays hardly anything for each season. its always fun to see what she does to the cat

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Love it!! I used to live near a house that had something like this on their front porch. I can’t remember what it was right now but I remember that it was always decked out for the season/holiday.

George said...

He's very patriotic!

photowannabe said...

Your neighborhood sure decorates and goes all out.
Great finds from the Dollar or as it is now $1.25 store.
Happy 4th..

Mari said...

I love seeing this cat is every season. This may be one of my favorites!

Chatty Crone said...

I love seeing that cat too and I love anything red-white- and blue!

Ruth Hiebert said...

He does look ready to celebrate.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that cat!

DeniseinVA said...

So cute! Happy 4th of July one day early and Happy Sunday too if you are celebrating today :)

The Feminine Energy said...

I live to see this kitty every holiday! *haha* Thank you for posting his current outfit, Ginny! I won't comment on every post but be assured I've read them all. I love-love-love your blog, my friend. I also love the CD mobile!! ~Andrea xoxo

Sandy said...

Very cute. Sounds like she has fun dressing the cat for various occasions. The sunglasses make it! I haven't seen anything 4th of July-ish on my walks through the neighborhood beyond flags and some bunting. I have 2 primary routes I take, maybe I need to walk a different route to see something.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A Tradition!!!!!!

Jeanette said...

Very cute! The dollar store has great seasonal choices for something like that!


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