Sunday, July 10, 2022

Pretty In Pink

 I have watched all the big national firework displays for over 60 years. Most of them on T.V. And this year I saw some I had never seen before. Pink ones and purple ones. Lots and lots of pink ones. Did you watch any on T.V.? Did you notice this? I think the pink is prettier than any of the other colors! So if you did not see them, I took photos of the T.V. while watching.

This was the only purple one I was able to snap.

Pink — it was love at first sight...
Pink — it's like red but not quite...

~Richie Supa, Glen Ballard, & Steven Tyler


Reanaclaire said...

Yes, indeed the pink is so beautiful, the rest are too.. you captured these pictures pretty well, Ginny!

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty. But certainly not patriotic. That Aerosmith song (pink) is about the female body parts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, no, never watched fireworks on TV and only one time in person in Savannah GA about 1976. Pink is not my color and here i am with a pink house. oy vey! I must say these are goregous and might change my thoughts on pink

Nancy Chan said...

Pink ones are beautiful. I have watched fireworks on TV, as well as in person but from afar.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Love these!!!

But have not seen them!!!

Didn't watch Capital Forth where I think you 'grabbed' these pics.

Gentle hugs,
🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓

R's Rue said...

So pretty.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, the PINK fireworks are beautiful.....and GRAND! No, I didn't see them on tv. And that purple one is a beauty also. Pink is such a happy color, and I just saw some pink buildings on a friend's blog when she visited Aruba. What a pretty Header and side bars you have on here today.

Have a wonderful week, Ginny.


*Yes, there are still some Rite Aids out there. I actually like them better than CVS, and when Christmas comes around, they always have those assorted cookies with the pink ones too. They are my favorite. I was surprised they had a Rite Aid in this mountain town, but I love it and browse in there often. : )

photowannabe said...

Pretty but not patriotic for sure.
You got great photos from your tv.

Carla from The River said...

I did not watch the fireworks on TV.. but I sure do like the photos you shared.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The pink is pretty. We had at least one pink one at our local display.

Mari said...

I've never seen fireworks in pink. Very pretty!

DeniseinVA said...

I did not see any firework displays this year, not even on TV. You took great photos of the ones on your TV. I have never seen pink fireworks before.

Gayla said...

That's was spectacular. I was an old grump and didn't even watch on TV! Lol...


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