Saturday, July 30, 2022

Sunday Sunset

 In order.

Yes, this is still the same sunset.

Storm clouds on the distant horizon.

Our little sunset friend, taking his evening stroll on the hill.


Ann said...

So pretty. Hard to believe those are from the same sunset. It's like it's two different skies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ginny feedly is not working again, you did not show up and mine did not either I see the geese below and did not see them eitgher. I am only getting half the comment and found out from Chatty Sandy that she thought I quit posting, I thought you did too. just a heads up that something is once again wrong with blogger and feedly. these are AWESOME so clear and sharp

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Beautiful sunset photos! Love them ❤️

Jeanette said...

Beautiful and ever changing!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous blog look!

And amazing succession of photos...

And I like the kitty...


Chatty Crone said...

Ginny the same sunset - so do you see these from your house or do you and Phil go somewhere and sit and watch?
I get excited with sunsets!

Anni said...

How beautiful ...makes one filled with awe.

The Feminine Energy said...

Absolutely gorgeous, peaceful & serene! ~Andrea xoxo

HappyK said...

Beautiful skies!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow beautfiul sunset photos.

Okay, stupid question: What is those lights? I saw these same types in Alabama. I've never seen them here in California. They look like stadium lights?

Susie said...

Since I have moved back to town from the country...that is one great loss to me, sunsets. I see only rooftops from here. No sunrises or sunsets. I miss sitting on the porch watching the sun set. It's been too hot to even sit outside. Keep watching your pretty skies. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love that quote, Ginny. And that cat is so pretty that you came across. There's something about white birds and animals that are special, don't you think? I hope you get some rain. We need it very much here.


Mari said...

Me! I'm that girl who gets excited about sky colors. These are gorgeous!


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