For those of you who asked, my friend's surgery was a hip replacement, and she is home now and doing well. The Crepe Myrtles have been in bloom! Here are the pink ones.
can never wrong with a little pink; a lot works too.”
– Dana
We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center. A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...
They're spectacular! I've never seen them in person.
Good to know your friend is already home. You being with her at such a time must have been a great comfort. I wish her well. The crepe myrtle is stunning.
Glad to hear your friend is doing well after her surgery.
Those Crepe Myrtles are gorgeous.
i love crepe myrtle and the pink is my favorite, not as fond of the white. prayers for your friends hip surgery and quick healing. the people i have known that had the surgery did really good in record breaking time, better than the ones with replacement knees.
So glad your friend is doing well!
When we were down South this summer, I loved seeing the crepe myrtle. It's so pretty! This pink one is gorgeous!
I too am glad your friend is doing well. And how gorgeous these photos are, thanks for sharing the beauty of the crepe myrtle. I'm not sure I've ever seen one.
That is a huge, beautiful bush! Glad your friend is doing well!
Such a beautiful flowering tree. There is one in our yard and it is huge but it does not flower very much -- a huge disappointment to me. I think TG needs to prune it but honest that would be a giant-sized job. Our church property -- we have a several-acre parking lot -- is abundant, replete, CRAZY with crape myrtles. The white, the pink, the raspberry -- and although they certainly do flower in July, to me right now they are waving their arms and shouting AUGUST! AUGUST! with the massive white puffy clouds and blue blue sky just beyond their grasp. xoxo
WOW! What a beautiful tree, Ginny. I love it! I am glad your friend is doing okay and recovering from her surgery. xo Diana
Oh wow.... such a beauty. love the pink and I also love the smell of a crepe myrtle. Ours are struggling due to the HEAT. Supposed to be 108 tomorrow.
Don't think I've ever heard of those. Can't think of any trees/bushes here that bloom this time of year...
Spectacular shots of your crepe myrtles--especially the one in your banner.
I didn't know they come in other colors too.
The power of pink... I just love pink.
Do the crepe myrtles have a fragrance? If they do, I bet the entire neighborhood is full of a beautiful scent.
Boy, that is a beaut! I don't see the pink ones too much - (of course, now that I said that, I'll be seeing them all over the place) I mostly see the red and the white.
I LOVE crepe mrytles - they grow in abundance here. Every color - but I do love the pink!
Wonderful pink flowers!
I trust your friend is recovering in good health and spirits. The pictures of the pink crepe myrtle are gorgeous! What a beautiful bloomer! It is so nice to see the vibrant colors! Many blessings to you :)
Wow gorgeous!!
Glad to hear your friends hip surgery went well. :)
So glad to hear your friend's surgery went well, Ginny. I do hope she heals nicely. Look at those PINK blossom trees! That one against the white house stands out so vibrantly. What a charming house. Love that quote's so true. ; )
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