Sunday, August 13, 2023

The New Wal-Mart

 I have recently been in two Wal-Marts that have finished the big remodel! It was a nice surprise when we went in. Each brand has it's own cubicle.

The produce section looks more modern. The store is now laid out kind of like a fancy department store.

Come to think of it, it seems that fancy department stores are quickly becoming a thing of the past. All that seem to be left are Kohl's and Macy's. Anyway, as you come in there is a separate little boutique room for local sports clothing and accessories.

I have enough clothes and shoes, I don’t need to go shopping,’ said no woman ever.

- Unknown


Reanaclaire said...

A new outlook! I love to shop at Macy's ... sometimes I go online to get more choices and best buys.. Kohl, I used to go last time cos they gave a lot of coupons then. LOL...

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! I haven't been in a Wal-Mart in years.

DeniseinVA said...

That looks very nice! Hope Phil is recovering well after his eye surgery.

Chatty Crone said...

I had no idea Walmart was remodeling, but not surprised. It looks good.

Ann said...

I hope the Walmarts here aren't going to be remodeling too. I hate when they change the store around. I'm still recovering from the last time they switched it all

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Our store is in the middle of a remodel and I'm wondering if it's going to look like this! So far I don't see that much of a change and one of the stock boys told me that they are taking 8 ft off of each of the grocery aisles which is where I do most of my shopping and that it's going to have less merchandise and hire prices. I am wondering if they are going to do what they did here. It looks nice but I don't shop brandsAnd I rather have lower prices than have it looked pretty. I shop Walmart because of their prices.So far after 4 weeks of remodel I don't see any changes at all and they said it will be ready by the end of this month so I'm waiting to see what else they're going to do

Mari said...

Looks like they did a nice job. I rarely go to Walmart as there are none very close to me.

George said...

Our local Walmart had a remodel a couple of years ago, but it is no way as good as the one you've shown.

Red Rose Alley said...

I always find neat things when shopping at Walmart. It's always been too crowded for me, so haven't shopped there lately. But I do miss shopping there - they used to have one in my hometown. The produce section looks like a good one here. They always have lots of holiday stuff. Did you buy any goodies?

Have a wonderful week, Ginny.


Jenny the Pirate said...

That looks gorgeous and I wish they'd overhaul "my" Walmart that way! Oh how I miss the days, so long ago, of shopping at big department stores -- the ritzy ones. I never cared much for Sears or JC Penney or Montgomery Ward, if I'm being honest. I don't care much for Kohl's and avoid going there, and have no use for Macy's. When we lived up near Chicago I was constantly going into the city to shop at Marshall Field and Carson Pirie Scott. So thrilling!!!!! The smells and sights! My mom and I used to just look at stuff for HOURS. She'd say, I want to touch everything! Haaahaa. We loved it. *sigh* I do love online shopping and NO I will never say I have enough shoes or clothes!~ Happy new week, Ginny! xoxo

HappyK said...

A great new look. The walmart around here sure could use a remodel!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That is looking good.

Bobbie said...

Haha! This is true (says no woman ever). We are sad to announce they closed down our Sears store in 2020. Bon Ton was before that, and JC Penny's closing followed BonTon. I like the convenience of shopping Amazon - however - I always loved browsing the department stores and trying on clothes.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Our local Walmark looks like that. Same with Target - they changed everything around. No wonder we seniors get lost and walk around having to ask for things. They keep changing it up on us. It's a conspiracy I say!!! :-D

Shannon Mackle said...

My relationship has been restored,

My Ex-boyfriend is back after he broke up with me.

I am the happiest lady on earth,

Never too late to fix your broken heart.

You can still get your lover back...

Fix broken relationship/marriage...


The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...