Friday, August 4, 2023

Last Week Before School

During the summer, we have been having our two youngest grands over for a fun evening once a week. We try to do something different and fun each week. Last night we watched Wallace & Grommit, had dinner, and then they made this Lego type flower. Here is the bag. Temu sells these for about three dollars, many dozens of different kinds.

They love building this kind of thing, and I was shocked at how fast they finished it. It takes me much longer.

Here is the finished flower. You can open and close the petals.

Then we went for a shopping trip at The Dollar Tree. They had lots of school supplies, as school starts next week.

Have you ever seen more different kinds of flip flops?

And the amount of fall things was unbelievable! This wall had just the hanging signs. I got some fall things that I had never seen before, too. I will show you in my next post.

I've been shopping all my life and still have nothing to wear.

~Author unknown


CheerfulMonk said...

It blows me away that school starts next Wednesday here! Those evenings with your grandkids sound wonderful.

roentare said...

What a cheerful purple lilly

DawnTreader said...

Looks/sounds like fun for all of you!

Ann said...

Lots of people talk about ordering from Temu but I've been hesitant to try it for some reason.
Can't believe it's back to school time already.
I'll have to stop at Dollar Tree and see what fall stuff they have out here.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a pretty flower your grandgirls made, and a fun Legos project. I can't believe all the Fall stuff they have out already at the Dollar Tree! Up here, the Dollar store is starting to put some Fall things out, but not nearly as much. Oh, it's my favorite season. Can't wait to see what you bought, Ginny.


Chatty Crone said...

The girls are growing up soooooooooooooo fast. Beautiful too. Those flower items look cute.
I LOVE THE DOLLAR TREE. I will have to stop by and look. Wonder what you bought?
My FAVORITE season is FALL!!!!!!!!
I've been shopping all my life and still have nothing to wear - me too!

photowannabe said...

That ending quote cracked me up..I guess I'm guilty too.
Love that you have your Grands over each week. Special times of making treasured memories.
Yes, schools start next week around here too. Its still too hot, I feel sorry for the kiddos cooped up inside.
I remember when I was young that I always had a new outfit for the start of school. It usually was a sweater and skirt.. Couldn't wear that now for the first days. Of course in my time no girl could wear pants, jeans or capris to school. They were only "play clothes"

Henny Penny said...

You have cute granddaughters. I was in Dollar Tree this week too and was shocked at all the 'stuff'. Now I want to go back and look again. That last quote is so funny and is so me.

Sue said...

Aren't grandkids one of the greatest gifts from God, He new they would bring us so much joy, I enjoy trips tp the Dollar tree, too! Just haven't had much time this summer 1 Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.

Mari said...

What fun you are having, and making memories too!
Our granddaughters love those little lego kits.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s wonderful that you get to spend time with them, and fun to do these projects together. That’s a lot of flip flops.

Jeanette said...

Dollar Trees always have wonderful seasonal signs! What fun with your grands!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Nice Lego flowers your granddaughters made. I haven't been to Dollar Tree in awhile, especially one in our town. Dollar General is a good place to shop at at times as they have nice things there as well. Schools in Oregon usually start the beginning of Sept. Have a good week!

Ida said...

Looks like they had a fun time. The flower is cute. I've heard of Temu but never bought from there. - I need to check and see if our Dollar stores have fall stuff out already.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwwww your granddaughters' smiles are so sweet and precious. I LOVE Temu and I'll have to get Dagny a few of those little lego kits. She would love that. I cannot believe how early they put fall stuff out in the stores. Hobby Lobby had it all out when it was still JULY. I mean I am looking forward to it as much as anyone, but that's a bit much! Why don't they just leave it out year round, hahahaha! xoxo

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...