Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 Phil just had an appointment with the eye surgeon. He is having cataract surgery next week. The surgeon has moved into a big new modern building. It is so fancy that the trash cans match the front desk!

The ceilings are very high and interesting.

The front door is flanked by what looks like giant cat grass.

And now to the artwork. Kind of a metallic geometric theme.

And finally, last but not least, another DRIP painting!! All this does give us something to look at while we are waiting.

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.

~Joyce Meyer


Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Interesting colors in eye surgeon clinic. I like what is in the implant and oral surgery clinic with a big screen that shows fish swimming or a turtle or two swimming as well. It has things to view about implants. I like the saying you wrote at end of post. Good to good to others!

Linda said...

Prayers for Phil and his eyes!
Art in the different doctors' offices is interesting!
I've seen some pretty weird paintings.....disturbing even....

DeniseinVA said...

Prayers for Phil with his upcoming eye operation. I wish him the speediest of recoveries afterwards. An excellent quote to go with your photos. An interesting doctor’s office to pass the time. The best office I had to wait in was my old dentist. Going back a few years. He had the prettiest light green colored walls in the waiting room, and the most beautiful tropical animal prints on all of them, plus two large tanks of the prettiest tropical fish. He had the most wonderfully patient and kind disposition but was well past retirement age and unfortunately, he eventually left. Sadly his replacement painted the walls in drab dungeon grey, the paintings and fish disappeared and I kid you not, floor to ceiling before and after pictures of awful looking teeth with dreadful issues took their place. Not the faces, just the mouths and I was in a state of shock to be honest and the first wall I came across was right inside the entrance behind the receptionists. The receptionist took one look at my wide eyes and open mouth and said something like, well it’s good for the patients to see what can be done. I just shook my head sadly and sat down where I was greeted with even larger photos of horrors. And I am not exaggerating any of this. I should have high-tailed it out those doors - the new dentist’s personality did not exactly have a calming effect. His personality had a gruffness that made me a nervous wreck. That wasn’t the end of it either but I had better stop, just to say I tried for a few months after but I left the practice and sought another one. Never again did I set foot through those doors. As you can tell by this epistle, the experience left its mark!

Reanaclaire said...

Hope all is good with the cataract operation for Phil... I also went for a few checkup for my eyes... not so alarming as yet, but I will do the operation too, most probably next year.

roentare said...

The eye surgeon must be earning truckloads of money

Ann said...

Hope all goes well with the cataract surgery.
I like the color scheme of the new office and the decorations are interesting but a little to modern for my taste.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love it, hope they don't charge extra to pay for all that art. love the art and i would snap myself silly in that place. plenty to look at while waiting. prayers for the surgery. bob and i were so happy with ours, nothing to the surgery and instant better sight. when i say I love the art I mean even though I like it, would not put it in my home.

Mari said...

I know several people who've had cataract surgery lately, and are so enjoying the vision they gain.
Cool art for an office!

Jeanette said...

Interesting office! I hope all goes well for Phil.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm sorry Phil is having eye surgery next week, and saying a prayer that all goes well, Ginny. The art work is very modern. I love the Joyce Meyer quote. It's not always easy to do, but the words are true. Patience isn't my strong point. ; )


Chatty Crone said...

Looks like the eye doctor makes a lot of money!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
So I just finished getting both my eyes done.
He will do well and will like it in the end.

photowannabe said...

Love Joyce Meyers quote today. It is very true.
Interesting art in the building. Not my style but it sure gives one something to look at and try to figure out what its all about.
To me Drip paintings are a bit strange. To each his own.

photowannabe said...

Oops, I signed off before I meant to. Praying for Phil and his cataract surgery. Speedy recovery.

George said...

I hope and pray that Phil's cataract surgery will go well.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Prayers for his upcoming surgery. That is a very modern building!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Cataract surgeries are a piece of cake. I was surprised by how easy and fast it was. Did you know the Greeks and Egyptians were performing these surgeries as far back as the 2nd century? Although crude, it's only gotten better, Praise God. I had both my eyes done in 2019. I am sure your husband will be fine.

That is some fancy office - with many interesting items to look at on the walls - I guess with that profession, that is the whole point.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Interesting artwork.

Praying for a successful cataract surgery for Phil.

CheerfulMonk said...

The surgery will no doubt go well and he'll be happy with the results, but prayers anyway, just in case! ❤️

Ida said...

That is some very interesting art work. The drip painting especially.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well at least it looks like they cared enough to give you interesting things to look at, and it's so big and impressive~! I hope Phil's surgery goes well. TG had both eyes operated on for cataracts in 2019. He did great and I hope Phil does too. xoxo

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