Saturday, October 12, 2024

Autumn Azalea?

 Just a few days ago, we passed this beautiful bush. Blooming in the fall!! I have never seen the like. It does not even look like a fall-blooming bush. Looks a bit like an Azalea, but they do not bloom in the fall!!


roentare said...

The azalea is looking fantastic!

Ann said...

What a beautiful bush this is. I was curious about what kind of azalea blooms in the fall so I asked google and it said that an Encore Azalea is a type that will bloom in the spring summer and fall.

DeniseinVA said...

How lovely! And once again you picked the perfect quote.

Mari said...

It's beautiful! Great quote too!

Rose said...

It is beautiful...but belongs in spring. I had one of the irises that bloom in the fall, and I just did not enjoy it because it belongs in the spring.

Shug said...

Oh wow....these azaleas are really showing out! such beautiful blooms...can you imagine if the blooms were orange in color. I know they sure are bringing a lot of smiles on some faces..

photowannabe said...

II think it is some kind of azalea too. Beautiful splash of color.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Very pretty

Chatty Crone said...

Even some people are slow bloomers compared to some!

Red Rose Alley said...

This is such a pretty bush. And you know, I used to have a big bush of Azaleas in the front yard at my old house, and it was the same Pink color. They do last a long time, and they seem to really come alive in the Spring. Love the quote today, and it's the same with people, isn't it? Thank you for always sharing wonderful things you see around the neighborhood.

A lovely Sunday to you, Ginny.


DawnTreader said...

I've never seen any azaleas in autumn either! Beautiful.

HappyK said...

Beautiful but does seem like it should be in the spring.

Billie Jo said...

I have no idea what that is, but it is beautiful! Reminds me of Easter, though!

Great-Granny Grandma said...


Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow. To my pedestrian eye, that is an azalea! But even here in South Carolina they do not bloom in the fall. Wonder what's up with that? xoxo

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