Saturday, October 19, 2024

Sunday Sunset

 At first it looked like a bit frightening.

Notice the birds?


CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful pictures, and I love that quote. ❤️

Mari said...

Beautiful sky shots!

Shug said...

Yes to this quote...Thank goodness that our Heavenly Father desires for us to give our worries over to HIM. Beautiful photos Ginny.. Love the colors

Chatty Crone said...

Your quote was really awesome.
I had to enlarge to see the birds, but they were there!
Your photos are so pretty.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That’s beautiful. 🀩

photowannabe said...

So lovely Ginny. The quote is a perfect reminder to give it all to the Lord.

HappyK said...

Beautiful skies.
People would be a lot happier if they realized how true that saying is. :)

roentare said...

The light is so exquisite

Ann said...

Absolutely amazing. Your sunset pictures never fail to impress.

Rose said...

These are gorgeous shots!

DeniseinVA said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Jenny the Pirate said...

It's like a bright pathway! Love it. xoxo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Strange looking sky in the first two pictures, and then it turned so beautiful.
I couldn't see the birds, even though I magnified the picture. I think I need a stronger prescription for my glasses (have an eye appt on Friday).
Love the quote.

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