Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Welcome To October

 Since last month, I have started to post my calendar on the first of every month. This month's page is still not fallish enough for me, I would like more fall color!

Let's see, this month we have 6 doctor appointments between us! And a cross country run for our granddaughter. Plus our flu shots.

A page from my desk calendar.


Ann said...

That page from your desk calendar is too funny. The first one is quite pretty. All the quotes are great. This really is an amazing time of year.

Mari said...

Happy October! I like your calendar pages. The steel wool made me laugh!

Shug said...

I enjoy seeing your calendar post and this one is so nice with the berries and the little bird. One suggestion if you want it to have a brighter Fall look, maybe purchase a stem of fall leaves and pin up in the corner on the wood...could even drape it down the side just a bit. I think it is pretty like it is though. Love all the memes.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved your calendar. I LOVE October too. The steel wool was funny!

Billie Jo said...

Happy October, my friend! I love your background!

Jeanette said...

Love all your memes! As pretty as it can be it's never easy for me to let go of summer! Maybe because of what follows Fall!

photowannabe said...

Steel Wool made me laugh right out loud.
Love your fall calendar pictures too.
Looking forward to our tree in the front yard turning its brilliant colors soon...I hope ...

HappyK said...

I think the Oct picture is pretty. So funny about steel wool.

Red Rose Alley said...

You should see my October calendar page, Ginny. It has nothing to do with Fall. I'm so disappointed with some of the months this year. I like your bird page. I like the "listen" quote a lot. Such a pretty October post, Ginny.


Rose said...

I love that calendar photo....the one used as blog background. It is gorgeous. And desk page is funny.

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree about the calendar picture, it doesn't evoke autumn, my favorite season. I do love the other pictures. Good luck with the doctor's appointments... I'm sorry you both need so many. Take care!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I do love Autumn! I think that your calendar page looks a bit more like September but it sure is pretty.

Ida said...

What a pretty way to welcome October. The steel wool cartoon is funny.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh dear Ginny, the steel wool sheep cracked me up. And I love that quote about letting go. Those are two words that represent a concept that can be hard to lay hold on, haha! We need the Lord's help. xoxo

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...