Friday, October 11, 2024


 The Big Cat is all dressed for fall now. He isn't dressed up as much as usual, but he is happy with a simple wreath.

Also, here is a nearby home that is decorated prettily for fall.

But wait! Something at this house is not in the proper theme.

A Yard full of Flamingoes! And a tiny one in this potted plant! The Flamingoes of Fall. The Big Cat is NOT going to like this at all!

Of all our sunny world, I wish only for a garden sofa where a cat is sunning itself.”

— Edith Södergran


Mari said...

The big cat is the king, so deserves the crown! It's always fun to see what they do with him.
The flamingoes are confused, they need to go on to warmer weather. :)

Ann said...

Perhaps the big cat could file a grievance with the homeowners association. I mean if he is properly decorated for fall surely the rest of the neighbors should I do like the simple fall wreath on the big cats head.

DeniseinVA said...

Your neighborhood has such a lot of fun decorations. A simple wreathe seems to suit the cat. He looks confident enough, and once again you have picked the perfect quote :)

Shug said...

This big cat makes me's the smile on his face. Guessing it is time for the flamingos to go away...

Chatty Crone said...

I love that cat and they have him ready for Halloween!

DawnTreader said...

I do prefer the big cat and his smiley pumpkin companions to many other Halloween decorations you've been showing us (skeletons and whatnot)... :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, he's such an attractive cat. I like the Fall wreath he is wearing around his head. A Flamingo house, how delightful! I think you have to be a flamingo lover to appreciate this house. ; )


photowannabe said...

The wreath is perfect on the Big Cat's head. Love the simplicity of it.. Flamingos?? They don't seem to fit the theme but who knows?
You have such an interesting neighborhood.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that big cat. He looks so happy. 😊

Rose said...

I saw this on my phone and just now getting to it on here...the phone did not do your photos justice. I so love this big cat....and I love that quote.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Big cat has such a cute face. He looks like he's smiling.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Hahaha the pink does not go well with fall colors, does it? I guess those flamingoes are permanent fixtures just like the cat! He does look magnificent with his autumnal crown. xoxo

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