Thursday, April 12, 2012

Biting The Hands That Feed Him

Meet our son's cat Charlie, also affectionately called Chuckie or Chuckles. But we do not chuckle when son and family are out of town and we take care of Chuck. Do not be deceived by his beauty, Chuck is a biter, big time! The pictures you see are what Chuck did to Phil the last time we took care of him. Unfortunately, this was right before the local paper took pictures of Phil teaching his chess class, so this picture of him displaying chess moves shows a bitten hand! Hope the readers do not think any of his frustrated students did that! We are both cat lovers and had three cats when we were first married, but that does not matter to Chuck. You see, he is a bit intellectually challenged. He is not the brightest cat on the block. He still walks into walls and looks stunned that they were in his way. So he probably doesn't know any better than to bite, and look out, because we are taking care of him all week! Phil just came home and said he had a near miss, but he is learning to dodge really fast!

  “But you, God, break out laughing;
  you treat the godless nations like jokes.
  Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
  I can always count on you.
  God in dependable love shows up on time…

 They return when the sun goes down,
 They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
 They scavenge for bones,
 And bite the hand that feeds them.”
Psalm 59


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I had a cat like that once ---and we eventually had to give him away. He was beautiful (name was Jazz)--but he had problems...

Charlie is a pretty cat also. Does he bite Anne Marie?

Hope you and Phil have a good week with him ---and hope he doesn't bite you all this time.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh he could be feral like my crazy grandson cat Toby - he'd love to kill anyone in his way. Lol sandie

Anonymous said...

ouch, my daughter was biten by a cat and develpoped cat scratch fever, her leg swelled up and they had to put her in intervenious (sp?) she was very very ill.Nothing to fool around with.
Hope he heals quickly,

Ruth Hiebert said...

All I can say is that you and Phil are more generous than I would be. I do like animals,but draw the line when they are unfriendly.

RoeH said...

Hank bites but it's more of play bites that don't hurt. If it starts hurting, I have to get after him but he's done it ever since he was a kitten. Like humans, every cat is different.

Arti said...

She looks cute but is ferocious! Phil must take care while feeding, also you should be.
Have a wonderful day Ginny:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Unfortunately some kitties are unpleasant at times. I have never had a biter but my late mother had a purebred Siamese kitten that grew up to attack strangers - it gave it's new owner fits. My mother bred Siamese and was a pro. It just happens to cats sometimes. : ) Say a prayer before you feed and give care. Have a wonderful Friday!

Karin said...

OK, I guess this calls for outfitting with protective gear - you don't want to get sick! Sure hope it doesn't bite your sweet little granddaughter! Our kids have a cat too and after just a short while at their house I can feel the allergies creeping in - eyes glad their cat stays mainly in the basement or perched on top of the open corner of kitchen cabinet. If one could use all the cat hair that's swept up, to knit something, there'd be a large afghan, LOL, this cat sheds so much!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that verse!!
And you've got me cracking up at that cat being stunned that the walls were in his way. So sorry he's a biter!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Chuck is a very pretty fellow. Walking into walls isn't normal behavior for a cat. I can't say for sure but he could have vision problems or a neurological disorder. This could also explain the biting. If he were my kitty I would schedule a trip to the vet.

Nature Rambles said...

A cute cat...but those bites are scary. I hope Phil's wounds heal soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so he comes to your house to stay? most cats are ok at home with 2 visits a day, maybe he hates being away from his home. does he bite at home, Phil or your kids? cat bites can be nasty, so tell him to keep dodging. does he bite you? when your post opened i thought i was in the wrong post and had clicked on someone else.

Remington said...

Funny how some cats are....some bite, some scratch.... I agree with Sandra....maybe he just doesn't like being away from home.... However, Mr. Ripley is a biter and he is at home....go figure....ha ha!

Unknown said...

Love this Scripture Ginny, really shows the big picture doesn't it? Sometimes we get so caught up in our little world, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Ginny, Master Hunter is the one and only grandson I have. He is named after my oldest son, who died in an automobile accident in 1996...And that is who Master Hunter is! Thanks for caring enough to ask...I'm guessing no one else knows either....

Autumn said...

Ouch! Well we know animals, like people, carry baggage. Who knows what kitty is thinking...or not thinking.

momto8 said...

my kids pet sat once and the cat bit them..I have been afraid of cats ever since.

LC said...

Perhaps Chuckie can't see very well. I was so nearsighted plus had hearing problems when I was small, although no one, including me realized either problem, that I would sometimes drift off mentally in my hazy, underwater-sounding world. In second grade I embarrassed my mother and my whole Brownie troop when we visited the fire station. The gentleman leading our tour picked me up to put me on the fore truck, I guess cause I was smaller and lighter than every body else. Oh did I pull a Chuckie, scratching and clawing. He put me down fast.

I was so embarrassed but never figured out why I misbehaved so badly until adulthood and that and other "nearsighted memories began to surface. Poor man, poor Phil, poor Chuckie, but not poor me. Glasses are a miracle!

Hootin Anni said...

Our Siamese used to bite also. We were told to rub black pepper on our exposed skin....but, heck...who's gonna take the time to do that daily when around a cat 24/7. Not me.

I have an award waiting for you

Have a great day.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ouch! My cats sometimes give little love nips, but never anything like that!

George said...

Phil is much kinder than I am -- I would probably say someone else could look after Charlie. But I will admit that he is beautiful.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny. I wonder what is wrong with the cat...something must be not quite right with him walking into walls, etc.

Lynn said...

Ouch! Betsy had a good question, but am sure he does not bit Anne Marie? Strange to bit the person who feeds him. Ah Ginny, your sweet encouragement of my photograph makes me smile. I took a lot more that morning. This is Cedar Key, an island community 3 hrs from home that was our serendipitous trip on Tues and Wed. The island sits 3 miles out into the Gulf and is so charming, like Old Florida. Thank you! Perhaps Phil could wear a heavy work glove to protect himself?

barbara l. hale said...

Who knows the way of cats?! I love cats, too, but now and then you get a biter. But he is beautiful!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Maybe Charlie doesn't see or hear well? You mention he runs into walls.

Sorry he's a biter..... he is a handsome lad for all his 'big' teeth!

Hootin Anni said...

Ginny....regarding your award....don't right click...just click on the image [award] it will open in another page then you can save it by right clicking.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh my goodness glory, ya'll need to wear those metal clad fishin' gloves 'round that one!!!

God bless ya and have yourself an amazin' weekend. :o)

You guys are marvelous parents!!! I fear I'd decline cat sittin'!

Hootin Anni said...

...sorry, I just tried doing that myself, and the new-fangled way of showing images now is infuriating...

I can either email it to you, or you can click on JENs link I provided where the award is...OR you can go back to my blog, click on the image and then disable javascript...that way you can right click and save...but, don't forget to go back and enable javascript once you get it.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm being a pain, I know...

But here is the url for the award.

FilipBlog said...

Be very patient, maybe some progress is still possible.


Ann said...

A very handsome cat but I think I would invest in a good pair of gloves for when he's around :)

Darlene said...

Bad, bad Kitty! My parents had a cat like that, too. Everytime I had to take care of him when they went away, I'd come home with a scratch or two.

Linda said...

I saw an episode of Cat Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel, and there was a cat on the episode I saw that was very nasty and bit the owners a few times. The cat whisperer discovered (in this case, perhaps not yours), that the male owner played roughly with the cat and that the cat didn't have enough space for him to climb and relax (such as a cat tree). Sorry to hear and see what this cat did, I hope things improve.

photowannabe said...

Your poor Hubby. Hope your week will go well and not too many battle scars.
Mexico Costco is all in Pesos. Really just about the same price as ours in the States.
I just got a kick out of seeing the signs that made it cost big time for the hot dog. I miss the Hebrew National dogs. They were the best.

Tanna said...

Oh, my goodness, Ginny!! You need to find Phil some leather gloves or something to protect him from Chuck's teeth! Wow, cat bites can be really bad sometimes. Be careful.

"Coming home" has some special meanings. Love your photos and thank you again and again for your prayers, Ginny. They mean more than I can say. blessings ~ tanna

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ahhhhh! Do you have a scratching pole?


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...