Thursday, April 19, 2012

Swan Watch

It's that time of year again, time for me to be on Swan Watch!!! This means the female swan has made her nest and been sitting on it, can you see it? It is large and made of sturdy sticks. While she sits, the male swims in front of her, back and forth, back and forth, like he is guarding her. Perhaps he is. These swans are at our local park, and you may remember I posted their babies last year, so cute! If you didn't see them, you can click HERE for that post. I hope to get to the park this year when they are even younger! Swans are a mystery to me, I am so clumsy and they are so graceful.

“Out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift… He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ's followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ”
Ephesians 4


From the Kitchen said...



Arti said...

Oh! So cute. Th first pic almost looks like a painting!
She is huge, and the nest too seems very sturdy as you said.
Have a nice day Ginny:)

Doris Sturm said...

I love the majestic swans too...they are such elegant and powerful birds. I am so thankful to be alive when we still have some wildlife left to observe - their future is so uncertain!

S. Etole said...

What a graceful sight. Look forward to seeing the little ones.

SquirrelQueen said...

The swans are so beautiful. How exciting to be able to watch them and very soon their little ones. The male is protecting his lady from anything that gets too close. I hope you gets lots of photos of the cygnets once they hatch.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny,
Lovely pictures of the Swan, they are so majestic [in a way] huge birds when you come up close to them. Brilliant photos! Have a lovely weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are amazing Ginny, i love the nest with her on it. i did not know they sat on nest like that. would love to see that sight. they are so beautiful and i love to see them sailing on water, so majestic.

DawnTreader said...

How great to be able to watch the swan in the nest like that!

Shug said...

I just love the elegance of swans. I have always admired them and their beauty. Your photos are very good and the header picture is gorgeous..
Have a great Friday.

Remington said...

I love watching swans....they are beautiful!

Linda said...

I love birds...swans are so majestic and beautiful. Love these photos!

Stephanie V said...

I love to look at swans but they can be nasty birds when riled.

Karin said...

Not sure how comfortable a bed of twigs would be, but that's her choice of building material! Swans are such elegant beauties! Just don't get too close, right?!!! Thanks for sharing these excellent photos with us! Have a good week-end!

FilipBlog said...

The babies are cute but you should be careful of the mama, she could attack.


photowannabe said...

Lovely swan and so graceful.
I like how you chose the verse about us each having our own gifting.
We may not be swans but God gives us wings to soar as eagles.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She looks like a good mama :-)

BlueShell said...

So cute...


Anonymous said...

I have never saw a swan in real life close up, ever! Once we saw them at a distance in our Bay, they were blown off course I suppose because they aren't seen here, you are so lucky to have this to see, what anm honor1

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Ginny, these are such lovely photos. What park? I can't make out enough of the background to see.

Chatty Crone said...

I love swans and I feel their beauty is the gift God gives me from them. sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

Swans do have a special grace about them.It should be interesting to watch this nest.I do hope you get to see the babies when they just leave the nest.

Ann said...

They are graceful and so pretty too. What fun to get to watch them

Tracy said...

Ginny...God is so generous with His gifts!

Lady Jane said...

They are beautiful Ginny. We dont have swans here I guess it gets too cold. We have loons and we get the canadian geese. Swans mate for life just as do our loons. Glad I have a puter back and I can stop by. Hugs. LJ

George said...

I'm sure the male swan is guarding the female and her nest. These are wonderful pictures, and I look forward to the pictures of the babies.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Love seeing the swans... I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a swan sitting on her nest... Awesome photo.

I remember your post last year showing the babies. You need to show this year's babies when they are born!!!!!

Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos. Looking forward to an update on this year's family!

Marie said...

Beautiful header Ginny! Swans are so graceful and interesting to watch. I had no idea that the female would sit on a nest like that. I also didn't know she is so well watched. I love it! I looked at your pics from last year. The babies look so soft and cute! I'm so glad you are keeping up with them. Exciting!

Kerrie said...

Ginny, I had been worried about you as I had not seen you on FB. I have not been blog hopping lately and am trying to improve. So sorry about the steroids and weight gain, that is a Catch 22 alright! I will be praying for you. Love the swan nest pictures! Luv n hugs, Kerrie

Tanna said...

Oh, I love the photo of her sitting on her nest!! They are beautiful mysteries, aren't they. Look forward to seeing more!!

good luck with your diet plan! blessings ~ tanna

Joanne said...

They are so pretty. Their color is the purest white. I get a bit afraid when they are up close because they are so big. Hope you see the babies soon!
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny :)
Oh pretty
Blessings Renee


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...