Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Through The Wires Thursday

I am starting something called Through The Wires Thursday. This will be pictures that I think are really good, but they are marred by something that keeps them from being perfect. Either wires, poles, cars, or anything else that will mess up or partially obscure the picture. And I run into this problem ALL THE TIME!! So I thought I would make use of it. As you can see, these frustrating shots were taken last fall, and though they were loaded with wires, I just couldn't bear to delete them. So this will be a fun thing to do, who knows, it may even make me try to take bad pictures on purpose! Anyone want to join me?

I'm asking God for one thing,
      only one thing:
   To live with him in his house
      my whole life long.
   I'll contemplate his beauty;
      I'll study at his feet.

 That's the only quiet, secure place
      in a noisy world,
   The perfect getaway,
      far from the buzz of traffic.
Psalm 27:4,5


BlueShell said...

I don't mind the wires...thephotos are beautiful, that place is beautiful, the colors are amazing! Well done!

SquirrelQueen said...

I didn't even notice the wires in your first photos Ginny because the colors are so pretty. I've got lots of shots like that too and can't bring myself to throw them away either.

Hootin Anni said...

...and I think that is a great idea. Someone a while ago did something very similar...'goofed up photos' or close ---and with all the efforts of actually taking the photo, they're still some positive in in yours, the beauty of the Autumn Colors!!!

Remington said...

I find those wires are always getting in the way of my pics too....ha ha! Still great shots!

Unknown said...

This is such a picture to me of God's creation vs. man's creation! I know we need (or we think we need) power but we sure can mess up His beautiful world, can't we? Love this Scripture, so true, but then it all is, every Word, right? I'm so thankful He gave us this wondrous Word to keep us on the right path - thanks Ginny!

Alice said...

What a neat idea. Fall is such a beautiful time of year.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a fun idea! The pictures are beautiful - even through the wires.

Tanna said...

Oh, Ginny! I had a moment of disorientation seeing the fall photos! LOL!

the wires DO get in the way! blessings ~ Tanna

Shug said...

What a great idea! I have taken many pictures like this before, and for some reason, I just never use them. (Guessing it's the distraction from poles, wires and etc.)
Looking forward to seeing your pictures.
have a good day...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if i can remember i might join in, but the memory wiring is out of whack. me to on the thinking fall now? glad you said when you took them. and i do the same thing, keep the ones with wires. some i clone out the wires. if i remember i will check for photos on purpose.

LC said...

Thursday is the perfect day for the not-quite perfect. Right before Friday, and when people are tired from a hectic week and ready to be a little forgiving on themselves, and their photos, as they ease into a weekend that they hope will be rejuvenating.

Good idea!

RoeH said...

I usually will not have wires in a photo. I don't like them. But once in a while, they add to the photo. Strange.

Linda said...

How cool. Lovely photos, Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I like your thoughts on this. I have decided that I am a virtual hoarder of virtual photographs. I just almost can't bear to delete an image. I am in the middle of a huge back-up of the photographs to a Drobo hard drive - several thousand. I have taken nearly 76,000 in the past three years! Have a great day today and a really nice day tomorrow!

Beth said...

Somedays those wires can really get in the way but the pics are still awesome!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The fall beauty is still very evident despite the wires.I have too many shots like this.

Marie said...

These photos are so pretty and colorful! Have a wonderful weekend Ginny!

Lynn said...

I LOVE your header! The Mountains, the country road! I think this Thursday idea is such fun. I know how frustrating "wires" can be. I don't post on Thursdays, but if I can find the particular photo that came to mind reading your post, I will post next Thursday. We are so alike Ginny, as I cannot bear to delete my "thru the wires" photos either. Thank you for your comments on my posts. Oh, again we are so alike, my hubby loves my hat, thinks I am "cute" so now I wear it all the time! hehe. I love, love, love hats. Target or Kmart for under $10. Sorry, not totally sure which one. Sounds more like Kmart pricing but could have been Target sale price. Bought it a couple of months ago on the spur of the moment. So glad I did. Have fun with your Thursday posts! Blessings.

George said...

I can't tell you the number of times that wires have jumped up when I was trying to take a picture. I'm glad you kept these pictures. The autumn color is gorgeous and the wires can't distract from that.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that and how many of those shots DO I HAVE???? MANY! I will play with you on Through The Wires Thursday....

Becky Jane said...

I've got some beautiful sunset shots that are marred by wires! Love the autumn colors!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---those darn wires do get in the way, don't they???? I do have a way of getting rid of them before publishing a picture now. That is just so much fun!!!!!

Great Autumn photos though...

Karin said...

Looks like reality photos - that what my eyes would see! For a moment I thought y'all skipped spring and went to fall - phewwww! I love those fall colors - my favorite! Looking forward to you following through on this idea!

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is a song no? taken from Psalms I'm trying to remember by who? I love it!
Well, I know just what you mean because I don't do photo shop and so I'm left to slowy delete or re-touch (I have done it) through picasa. I haven't used that program in awhile because the computer I use for that has caused it to slow down a whole lot! In fact I have a black screen my husband has to tweek. (yikes). The problem I have has caught up with me in that I can't seem to delete. I end up with back up pictures all over the darn place!! These are gorgeous and I remember them!! When I post (I refer to them as coat hangers (lol) I'll link back to you!

Rose said...

There was beautiful color there! And I love your header shot!

FilipBlog said...

The fall is also beautiful but for us it will remain an other 6 months.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

This reminds me how our lives are never perfect...they're all marred with some imperfection of some kind and yet...He loves us anyways. have a great rest of the day

Ann said...

What a great idea for a series. I love it. That always drives me crazy when you see the perfect shot but there's power lines in the way

Glenda said...

I hate it, too, when wires or poles get in my way :)!! But I like your idea . . . when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

LV said...

Sounds like a great idea and would be easy to participate in. I have too many I am involved in right now, but definitely keep it in mind. I found the wash tubs in an antique mall, and the line from the internet. The iron is mine.

Stephanie V said...

Fun idea to use those photos that you think are wsted.

We have wires here, too, and I have lots of shots with them. Funny how your eye doesn't see what the camera does.

momto8 said...

what a fun idea!
but really....those trees are perfect!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are beautiful trees past the are right, something can get in the way

Deborah said...

Great post, you know I didn't even notice the wires until I read your post. I then went back up and looked..interesting.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

LOL! This is a fun idea, Ginny! I often wish wires were underground as they do seem to ruin a view. Your autumn trees look so beautiful ...I know once th ehot and humid days of summer begin I'll be wishing for autumn weather!

Joanne said...

What a cool idea! I love this! I cant wait to see more!
Blessings, Joanne


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...