Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella

Whenever skies are gray,
Don`t you worry or fret,
A smile will bring the sunshine,
And you`ll never get wet!

So, let a smile be your umbrella,
On a rainy, rainy day
By-Fain, Sammy/Kahal, Irving/Wheeler, Francis

We have been getting a lot of rain lately and are to have more storms tonight and tomorrow. I wonder how many of you remember this old song? You never hear it anymore.  We were driving down the street and I spotted the man in the first picture, carrying a frilly pink polka-dot umbrella. It made me smile, and I wondered if he had grabbed his wife's umbrella on the way out. Colorful, pretty umbrellas are a bright spot on a dreary day. I will not be visiting anyone today because I am going to get an eye exam, so I will be dilated and seeing blurry for most of the day.

“ My teaching, let it fall like a gentle rain, my words arrive like morning dew, Like a sprinkling rain on new grass, like spring showers on the garden. For it's God's Name I'm preaching— respond to the greatness of our God! The Rock: His works are perfect, and the way he works is fair and just; A God you can depend upon, no exceptions, a straight-arrow God.”
Deuteronomy 32


Reanaclaire said...

oh oh.. i think my sons will not dare to hold such a feminine sweet umbrella.. lol.. but it is very nice, dont u think so? :)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a very happy looking umbrella, it definitely brightens up a dreary day. Good luck with the eye exams Ginny.

FilipBlog said...

The umbrella brings colour in your life, even when it rains.


Annie Jeffries said...

After the extreme heat of the weekend, we now are enjoying 60s and rain. What a relief. We saw some really pretty parasols at the Civil Ear general store all lacy and delicate. They would not have held up in s good down pour.

This weekend also convince me to cut my hair so I did so today. Hair to my shoulders now and so comfortable.

Take care tomorrow with your eye checkup.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm not familiar with the song, although maybe if I heard it I'd recognize it?

Hope all is well at the eye exam. I confess I won't allow them to dilate my eyes anymore. It gives me migraines every time.

Alice said...

Have a good, blurry day:)

Bobbie said...

I can can remember that song... somewhat. I love all the colorful umbrellas. Good luck with your eye exam.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

wow Ginny. love your header pic. And your always you totally inspire.

From the Kitchen said...

i love umbrellas. in fact, i leave one most every place i go.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the one at the ball game and my fav is the last one, just because it is beautiful and i love the color. Floridians don't own umbrellas, i have one in the car but it has not been used in more than 7 years, i only used it when i used to work and would get to work and it might rain. i like the smile being the umbrella, and smiles do chase away the dreary.

Shug said...

The umbrella at the ballgame reminds me of my family....Having an umbrella at the baseball games is a must!
This is a happy post and I think it's a great one!
Hope your eye test comes out good..Use this time to relax and dream!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yes, yes...I know your surprised but I do know the song well! Heeehehehee!!! Shockin' I know!

Wonderful pictures of beautiful umbrellas. I often use our big old colorful boat umbrellas in beach themes for summer Kid's Church.

I did so love the scripture at the end...blessed my heart sweetie!!!

Have yourself a perfectly blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

LC said...

May your eye exam bring good news.

BlueShell said...

excellent idea!
"A God you can depend upon..." I know that for sure!
God bless you both!

Karin said...

All the best with your eye exams Ginny! It's no fun to see all things fuzzy and blurred! You take care! You've captured some pretty umbrellas! Mine is just basic black - maybe I should cheer up, lol!!

Unknown said...

I love that man holding that pink umbrella! Seems to me that's a man who doesn't have a problem with his identity ........ or maybe he does :) We've had a lot of rain too but everything is so green and pretty! thanks for the wonderful Scripture as always!

Linda said...

I love umbrellas...and I love the rain. I really enjoyed this post, Ginny, thanks so much for sharing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hope all goes well with the eye exam. I love a bright umbrella,it makes a rainy day so much better.

George said...

I do remember that song. I rarely use an umbrella, but I like all the pretty umbrellas you found for this post.

I hope you get good results from the eye exam.

barbara l. hale said...

Good luck with the eye exam! I love a colorful umbrella on a rainy day, too.

Glenda said...

"gentle rain . . . morning dew . . . showers . . ." . . . what refreshing words! Love your colorful pics!

Hope your eye exam goes well! Happy weekend!

Tanna said...

Hope your eye exam goes well, Ginny! The guy with the "wife's" umbrella made me smile, too. ;) Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I hope all went well at the eye doc. We too will need umbrellas today. Nice pictures! Have a really good day in spite of having had your eyes dilated!

Chatty Crone said...

I have heard that song, but not for a long long time. Good memories. sandie

Becky Jane said...

Hope your eye exam went well. That first picture is a chuckler! Umbrellas are such a fun necessity. We've not been getting any rain and I ♥ rain....maybe I should move out of the desert!

S. Etole said...

What an array of colorful umbrellas.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


you are right, in the 40s, my uncle drowned, he was 4,

but we were water babies. we were by the river 3 times a day,

You will smile when it is raining and you have an umbrella.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I bet we've had 2 or 3 inches of rain since 8 p.m. last night and the thunderstorms were amazing! Dogs hated it but I can sleep thru almost anything.

Ann said...

I guess that guy figured as long as he stayed dry it didn't matter how frilly the umbrella was.
Rest those dilated eyes :)

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, this is a heart-warming post from a person who practices what she preaches. I trust that your eyes are cleared by now and that you are improving in your general health. You and Phil are a rare couple, loving each other and loving life in your own unique way. May the Lord add more strength and brightening to your days.

Hootin Anni said...

You should've linked to the Thursday Theme Song Meme for this one. Some great images shared today.

Sorry I'm late getting 'round to visiting...'nother busy day for us two.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I remember that song, Ginny... Great shots of all kinds of umbrellas...

We haven't had much rain here for over a month (the rains have just been going around us) UNTIL this morning. We woke up with a storm at about 6 a.m. (thunder, lightning, HAIL, and quite a bit of rain)... It's been cloudy here ALL day long --but no more rain since this morning.


Joanne said...

Its been rainy here too! Ginny I have to say I have lost so many umbrellas its ridiculous! I leave them everywhere!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We were moving back to New Zealand, and didn't want to ship too much stuff.

Dawning Inspiration said...

We're getting lots of rain right now, too. Love that big colorful umbrella! I finally got me some rain boots so I can go stomping through the puddles!! ;o)

Marie said...

Love the umbrella at the baseball field. That brings back a lot of wonderful memories for me. :)
Hope all goes well at your eye exam. :)

DawnTreader said...

Never heard the song. But I do love a colourful umbrella when it's raining!

(How did I come to have so many post of yours to catch up with?!)


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...