Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another Award!

Well, I can hardly believe it, but I have been given another award, yippee!!! It's The Versatile Blogger Award. Two in one week! It's enough to make a gal get puffed up!  My friend Anni, over at  Hootin' Anni's, gave me this award. I am much obliged. She has a great blog about her life and beautiful surroundings, plus some really funny things at times, there is always something to enjoy. Here are the rules of the award:
1. Share 7 facts about yourself
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you
3. Add the award to your blog post
4. Nominate 15 of your favorite blogs

Seven Random Facts

1. I had a formal wedding, but my religion did not allow me to have a wedding ring or wear a veil!
2. I saved my great-grandmother's life when I was a child, and got nothing but grief for it (future post topic)
3. I could hang out in book stores forever
4. I am scared of heights
5. My best friend has survived ovarian cancer twice, something so rare that there are no statistics on it
6. The actress Sissy Spacek lives a half hour away from me
7. I am now feeling great on the steroids the doctor prescribed, which I will have to take the rest of my life, but they have puffed me up so much that I gained 20 pounds in a month. I need to get a handle on this.

I absolutely cannot choose fifteen of you, so any of my followers who would like this award, please feel free, you all deserve it in my book!

“God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he's rich in love. He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him.”
Psalm 103


SquirrelQueen said...

Congratulations on yet another award Ginny, you are definitely deserving of the recognition.

Saving a life should mean a great big thank you not grief. Looking forward to hearing about that incident.

Reanaclaire said...

You are very popular , Ginny! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats again! I'd love to read your post about the incident. And love your header shot!

Remington said...

Congrats on the well deserved award! I love learning more about my friends....thank you for sharing....can't wait to hear the story about your grandma! Take care, my friend!

Tanna said...

Can't wait to hear the great-grandmother story!! Love to hang out in book stores, too. I don't think I had figured out you live in VA (from last post... catching up). My daughter does too and it is truly a beautiful state. Sissy Spacek is from very near here. Hope you have a wonderful week, Ginny! You are a fabulous blogger! blessings ~ Tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't wait to hear the story of your great grandmother.

I'm thrilled to hear you are feeling better! But ugh, yes steroids make a girl HUNGRY! Such an unfortunate side effect.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i thought i knew a lot about you, but the only one of these I knew was you are afraid of heights, just like ME. i love reading about YOU and getting to know you better. can't wait for the life saving post.

Anonymous said...

You deserve the are precious, and loving, and always interesting is your blog...I always enjoy your photography...You are always one of the first blogs I go to visit in the mornings...You are a genuine pearl, and I am thankful for the friendship we are buidling

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats to you. Hey do you have a ring now? I am glad you feel better. I'm glad you got this award. Love, sandie

Linda said...

Warm congratulations to you, Ginny, I am very happy for you! God bless you, keep His light shining as you do so well.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congrats on your new award, Ginny! I can't wait to read more about #2! And we have #3 and #4 in common.
Have a wonderful day!

George said...

Congratulations on both of your awards. Both are well-deserved, and it was nice to learn more about you through the facts you shared. I'm glad the steroids are helping you feel better, but I'm sorry about the weight gain side effect.

Christmas-etc... said...

So that's where I've seen the bookstore!!!
PS Can't wait to hear the story about your great grandma!

FilipBlog said...

Your blog seems very popular. It is also very good.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

congrats! on the award...So you like to read, that is a good habit!

S. Etole said...

More fun facts about you! Congratulations on your awards.

Fred Alton said...

Your award is well-deserved, Ginny! You are a powerful writer and I always love your method of tying the topic to Scripture. I understand fully the meaning of religious teachings that are outside the "norm". Frances and I were married in '57 but never wore wedding bands until we went to Africa to live and work - because our church taught against "wearing jewelry for ornament or decoration". Although the church had modified the statement by adding the words "this does not include the wedding band" by the mid-sixties, we just never saw a need for it until moving into such a different culture in 1989. Maybe that's a good topic for a blog about how church teachings change through the passage of time.

Fred Alton said...

Your award is well-deserved, Ginny! You are a powerful writer and I always love your method of tying the topic to Scripture. I understand fully the meaning of religious teachings that are outside the "norm". Frances and I were married in '57 but never wore wedding bands until we went to Africa to live and work - because our church taught against "wearing jewelry for ornament or decoration". Although the church had modified the statement by adding the words "this does not include the wedding band" by the mid-sixties, we just never saw a need for it until moving into such a different culture in 1989. Maybe that's a good topic for a blog about how church teachings change through the passage of time.

RoeH said...

Congrats! You deserve it.

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, I love your header, the flower is beautiful. Congratulations on all your awards! YAH!!! Sorry I haven't been around lately :( I have been very busy at work and with my mom, she is fine, just keeping me busy!
I hope all is well, it's funny, even when I'm not blogging like crazy, I still think of all my bloggy friends!

Ann said...

congratulations on your award Ginny. I love hearing new things about the bloggers I visit. Can't wait to hear more about saving a life

Shug said...

Hi Ginny...
Big congrats on your award! I must say, that your header is absolutely breath taking...Gorgeous!
I enjoyed finding out new things about you...I think this makes blogging fun!

Rose said...

Ginny, I can hand out in bookstores forever, or look at books on Amazon for hours on end. Or I look at the library on-line for hours.

momto8 said...

congrats on your awards!!! I enjoy learning more about blogging friend!
good luck on the steroids...I am glad you are feeling better.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Like reading your 7 random facts about you... So sorry to hear that your new medication is causing you to gain weight... Is there something they can do to prevent that? Are you dieting?

I definitely knew that you are scared of heights... ha

Have a great Tuesday.

Joanne said...

#3 and 4 are ME Me Me! We are so much alike. Amazing and such a miracle that your friend has survived Ovarian cancer twice! God bless her now and always! Ginny I was just telling my Hubby how great I think your blog is and here you are with two awards! You deserve them and more. I still think you could make a book from your blog!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

my religion did not allow me to have a wedding ring or wear a veil!, I think you mentiond before, but I forgot. Pleeeaaseee tell.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...