Saturday, April 14, 2012

ABC Award

I am excited because I have gotten another award! This one is from my friend Cheryl at THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER and it is the ABC award, for awesome blog content. Cheryl has a great blog full of wonderful photos of nature, animals, and the beauty around her, you never know what you might find there, but it is always interesting! To accept this award, I have to list 26 things about myself in alphabetical order, so here it is:

A - Angry Birds!
B - I saw The Beatles in person! Now I am a birdwatcher
C - I used to work at Children's Hospital National Medical Center
D - I am a Deacon
E - I am NOT an early bird!
F-  I am allergic to felines
G - I have had to wear glasses since I was 9 years old
H - I take two medications for high blood pressure
I - I have a new iPad!
J - Jesus is my lord and master
K - When Martin Luther King was assassinated, I was working in Washington D.C. when it was burned down in the riots and had to drive to work through it every day. We feared for our lives.
L - We have a big lilac bush outside our kitchen door
M - I live in the mountains
N - I am a neat freak
O - I am an only child
P - Love photography!
Q - I am very quizzical, and it has gotten me into trouble
R - Both of my rotator cuffs are torn
S - Scared silly of spiders!!!
T - I grow a double toenail!
U - I once had an accident trying to put my underpants on and had to to to the E.R. The doctors laughed themselves silly.
V - I live in Virginia and love it.
W - When I was a teenager, I wrecked my mom's favorite car and totaled it. She never had another one as good.
X - I loved The X Files!
Y - One of my favorite words is yes
Z - Favorite animal at the zoo was zebras

Now I am supposed to pass this on to ten other bloggers, but you are all so wonderful that I can't choose! Any of my followers can feel free to take it, just post the list and chose ten more people. Here's another award that I'm working on getting at an alarming rate.

“Gray hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God-loyal life.”
Proverbs 16:31


Karin said...

That was interesting! Congrats on your award! I should really pick up the idea as I really don't know what to write about any more, lol! What did you do at the Children's Hospital? I worked in one too, Medical Records and then Pathology - that's eons ago now!
Have a blessed Sunday!

SquirrelQueen said...

Congrats on your award Ginny.
I really enjoyed learning more about you. I have given ER doctors a few laughs too.

Arti said...

Congrats on your award Ginny. Your blog deserves every bit of recognition it can get. Loved reading the AtoZ about you.
Missing your presence on my blog from quite some time, hope your health is fine now.
Take Care, Have a happy Sunday:)

BlueShell said...

I'm happy for you dear!
Hope you are better now.

have a wonderful Sunday.
God bless you.

DawnTreader said...

Wow, I'm impressed with your alphabet list. You got a lot of interesting info into it. Doing long lists like that always tends to make my head go blank and I get stuck on the task forever. Just now is certainly not a good time so I think I'll skip it... But you're truly worthy of that award!!!

Anonymous said...

How fun to read!

Anonymous said...

That's sweet - congratulations on your award!
Have a lovely Sunday!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is all verrry interesting to me. for some reason i thought you never worked, now you have two jobs listed here. i love personal info like this.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh I love this challenge to go along with the award. ABC....excellent. I learned so much this way. Your "B"...seeing the Beatles in person/live musta been a thrill of a lifetime. Your "H" too. Your "K" was scary, even as a memory!! Your "Q" reminds me of the time you walked up to a door and ended up buying the lawn sculpture [I think it was a rooster?] Your "T"...I have no idea what that means, a double toenail? The "U"...I'm glad you didn't expand on that one. rofl And, I know your favorite zoo animal.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the MOST is a double toenail? You mean like layer on top of layer? and YOU SAW THE BEATLES? ...TOO COOL....enjoyed your list....and congrats on your award....I have so many excellent followers that I just cannot pick and choose for they all deserve I do not like you pass them out any longer....all are special to me....I am with you on loving Photography ....just love it...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Very interesting tidbits of info about your life. I have chosen not to participate in awards and memes,so thanks,but no thanks.You obviously are enjoying them and I know you deserve every award you get.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

aww Ginny...I love this list and learning about you. You saw the Beatles...or the beetles? lol.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love that challenge, Ginny.. I knew most of those things about you --but certainly didn't know about the double toenail... Did you have it taken off? Does the 2nd one grow back? OR--do you just keep two tonails on that toe??? I've never heard of that.....

Hope you have a blessed Sunday.

FilipBlog said...

Congratulations for receiving it and being so inventive with the 26 letters.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Congrats! Now I am sinfully jealous about the Beatles! Oh well. I also am an only child. I love cats as my parents were professional Siamese Cat breeders when I was little. Have a super great coming week!

Ann said...

Congratulations on the award. This is a fun one. I like ones where you learn more about the blogger

Chatty Crone said...

I saw the Beatles in person, I'm allergic to cats, I've worn glasses since I was 10. Jesus us my Lord and Savior. I'm quizzical too. We have a lot in common. Love to learn about you. sandie

Neal said...

Congratulations on the award. I really do enjoy your blog.

Glenda said...

That is an interesting list, Ginny, as is your blog! Have a good week ahead!

Anonymous said...

that is thebest list, I enjoyed that so much,, underpants sent you to ER????? thats a puzzler!!!! lol, I so enjoyed this!

S. Etole said...

I just came from Maple Lane where she had linked her list to you. As I told her, this is a fun way to get to know you better.

Marie said...

Congrats on your award Ginny! I love learning more about you! You and I are both an only child. I have a step-sister, but we didn't grow up together. I'm not a morning person. I just do it because I have to! :) My grandfather was from VA. I'm glad you're feeling better. :)
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award! Fun going through your list!:)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Ginny, I stopped in from Mildred's Maple Lane blog and had fun reading both your A to Z lists. Where do you live in VA? We are here too on the VA eastern shore, after moving from NJ and next to NH. I too am a Bearles fan, but like early mornings.

Darlene said...

Cogratulations on your award. Would LOVE to hear the story for the letter "U"!!

Lynn said...

Oh Ginny! congratulations on not 1 but TWO awards. Your blog is so deserving of both. How fun to learn new aspects of who you are. Hmm that accident to the ER, how about a post on that! Now really, you cannot just leave us all hanging, wondering......

Bobbie said...

Congratulations Ginny! Now... I have to know more about the underpants accident... HAHAHA...
This was great. I have learned so much about you.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Looks fun, I like the ABC Wed, Like my NITS.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...