Monday, April 30, 2012

Bobbi & Me

Here I am today with my friend Bobbi from Gracie Owns Me. I met Bobbi through her delightful blog, which is both funny and touching, and her dog Gracie is a real character. Bobbi is beautiful, soft spoken, gentle, and smart, and her husband Gary is way cool, a real charmer!! They are a wonderful couple. So my question to you is: why were we together, what were we doing, and where were we? The clues are in the pictures. In my next post you will find out!

"Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in."


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The Scarecrow song begins with When all the cows were sleeping.

Joanne said...

Well it looks like you are in a fifties diner? I love the header picture. That color red is such a yummy color. I am so glad that you met a fellow blogger. I hope to someday meet some too! Looks like you had a great time!
Blessings, Joanne
P.S. Can't wait for the answer!

SquirrelQueen said...

Don't know the why's or what's but that sure looks like a fifties drive-in to me. And meeting a fellow blogger is always fun. Can't wait to hear the rest of this story and see more photos of that place.

Reanaclaire said...

Both of you met up in a diner and enjoyed the meet-up tremendously!
Great to hear that through blogging, we can make nice friends!

Anonymous said...

I love you both - so happy you were able to meet!

Remington said...

That is so cool that you got to meet! Did you put a nickel in the jukebox and dance to Elvis? ha ha!

From the Kitchen said...

If you are not at the Pink Cadillac Diner, you should be!!


LC said...

What a great place to meet with a blogger friend. Looking forward to the rest of the story about your diner meeting.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My question is...what did you eat?! :-)

Bobbie said...

I just knew when Phil took that picture from the other side that I was going to look fat. LOL! We had such a great time chatting and laughing with you and Phil!! I'll do a blog when I get home...
Thank you for taking the time meet with us.. You are both so special!

Anonymous said...

Yes the fifties...are a very special the cars / the jukeboxes / songs / and of course I was born in the fifties....hehehehe

DawnTreader said...

Time travelling to the 50's? :)

Shug said...

In checking out the pictures, I would say you were at the "Wright Diner"....???
It would have to be a fifties kind of diner..
This is great..for the two of you to be able to meet up..
Fun Post!

Karin said...

Fun times - glad you got to meet! The setting looks great! Have a great day - it's off to work I go!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you met them at Wrights for ice cream, or burgers. i love the 50's look of it.

Autumn said...

That is so fun to meet another blogger.

Linda said...

How delightful! A wonderful post.

RoeH said...

Whatever it is, I wanna, too. :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Totally fun! Yea for you!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I don't know where you were,but my guess is that you had a blast.

FilipBlog said...

It is always fun to meet your blog friends in real life.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Great photo of you both!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the old diners. That must be where you two are...what fun!! It must be so much fun to meet a bloggy friend! I'll be looking for your next post that tells us more.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I could make some wild guesses but I think it is best to wait and let you tell us. Have a wonderful day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

George said...

I have a feeling you met at a diner with the 50s theme.

Anonymous said...

I thought I knew that pretty face, do you live near each other, you're a tease making us wait until tomorrow!!! Have a wonderful day!

Chatty Crone said...

How fun was that - and you got to meet a real blogger.

I think you went to like a drive in from the good old days and you used to work at one.

Looks like a great time.

Marie said...

At some diner! I've seen these types of diners in movies and they always look like so much fun! Glad you enjoyed yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Looks like you and your friend are having a nice time out at a diner. I sure do like diners - used to have one across from my high school in L.A. where we would sometimes go to dinner (no I never cut school to do lunch out). Have a super good day tomorrow!

Tanna said...

I'm thinkin' there was so good food and good conversation involved!! blessings ~ tanna

Ann said...

how fun to meet a blog pal and it looks like a really fun place wherever it is. Love the 50's look

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like you are in a 50's Diner somewhere. Reminded me of the Route 66 restaurants we visited on our trip out west...

Did they have the old-fashioned soda fountain???? Love those places --looking at all of the memories!!!!!!


momto8 said...

how fun it must have been to meet a fellow blogger!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...