Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Strange Day

Strange goings on at our local McDonald's yesterday! Ella said she would like dinner there, so away we went. What I found strange was their McDonald's flag, blowing in the wind on the top of the building. I have seen a lot of McDonald's flags, and they all have the golden arches on them. I even came home and Goggled them, they all have the two arches. So why does this one look like this? When I saw it, the first thing I thought of was the flag of Russia, shown here. The Hammer & Sickle. So what is going on? I hope it is not The Soviet Republic Of McDonald's now! Because I really don't like borscht at all. Then Ella asked me a strange question "Ginny, is Ronald McDonald Dead?"  Yow!! Now the truth of the matter is that McDonald's ditched old Ronald in favor of a more adult, cafe type image, not associated with their high fat foods. The same can be said for the creepy big plastic headed King at Burger King, he's now outta there! Image is everything. But sometimes a McDonald's trip will end with her tummy full and the bag on her head, and that can only be a good thing!

“I'm thanking you, God, out loud in the streets, singing your praises in town and country. The deeper your love, the higher it goes; every cloud is a flag to your faithfulness.”
Psalm 57


Kilauea Poetry said...

That is very strange Ginny!
What I found-
The PCB is the remnant left behind when the main portion of the old (pro-USSR) Brazilian Communist Party became the Popular Socialist Party (PPS) in 1993.http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/br%7Dcomm.html
Interesting..sort a!

Karin said...

I'm going to have to pay more attention out there - haven't noticed that up here! That's why you have all those great blog posts - you are way more observant than I am!! McDs sends coupons so often - we really should go again sometime! Glad you're having fun with the youngsters!

Kilauea Poetry said...

(btw)I think you can buy kits for the stepping stones below) Wow, I would love to make or have them..so cute!!
Thanks for your comments..yes, I was very scared!! He was so delighted to take me on that ride..I kept holding on for dear life while looking at the side of his mug and laughing!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Weird.... I have no idea about that flag --but I'll check our MacDonald's when we pass by there sometime....

Glad Ella enjoyed herself. Too bad they got rid of Ronald MacDonald...

Since there are no little children around us these days, we haven't set foot in a MacDonald's in years and years....


Joanne said...

I'm with you Ginny...It does look a bit strange, but Ella seems to be having a great time!
Blessings, Joanne

Marie said...

That is very strange! And now I'm very curious! Let us know if you find out anything. :)
Ella looks very happy and silly! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a very strange looking flag. I suspect whoever raised the flag that morning should have had another cup of coffee since they weren't awake enough to get the golden arch turned right side up.

Either that or they thought the arch looked like a frown and decided to turn it upside down. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I say paint a couple of yellow dots for eyes and it would look like a smiley face! :) I think they must have hung the flag upside down. I hope.

Tanna said...

Hmmmm... that new flag is a bit disconcerting! That happy little face under the bag is not; she is precious! blessings ~ tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How can they ditch the golden arches? Talk about an American icon ;-)

Alice said...

I always thought Ronald McDonald was a little creepy. I may like this new look.

Hootin Anni said...

Well, I saw a smiley face at first...then reading your post, it is quite similar to the hammer and sickle...Wonder if anyone has told them that?!!

As for that plastic headed, creepy, Burger King King...ewwww. You hit the nail on the head there Ginny!!!

My Wednesday Link: FEEDING FRENZY

Unknown said...

Interesting indeed! I love that even though the world is always changing - including a staple like McDonalds, God and His Word stay constant always!
Another always - I always love coming to your page, Ginny - there's always something interesting, fun and/or inspiring! Thanks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well this is a lot of info to absorb, had no idea Ronald and the King are dead. i don'g get the cafe thing? they are trying to entice children to beg there grand parents HA HA to take them there, the old dangle the carrot thing. so how would a cafe image make kids want to eat there? hum now i am stumped.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say i did not even know they had flags on top.

Remington said...


Darlene said...

That's a very creepy looking flag. I didn't know R.Mc. had been ousted. I'm not very good at keeping up with the times. But I am very glad to hear that the creepy BurgerKing king is gone!

Rose said...

The first thing I thought of was the Hammer and Sickle...so you are not alone in that.

Becky Jane said...

Chukled at the ending you gave your post. She must be a happy girl wearing her happy meal bag! Next time I pass a McDonalds, I'll have to check out their flag...

Stephanie V said...

So a smiley face is considered adult cafe? Is this how we keep the kids away from those fast-food bad guys?

George said...

I've never noticed a McDonald's flag like the one you spotted. You've got a good eye to see this. I really like your picture of Ella enjoying her meal.

Ruth Hiebert said...

No matter what,linch with a precious little one is always good.

S. Etole said...

Most unusual! Glad you keep us updated on what's changing.

FilipBlog said...

Special flags, certainly not McDanalds.


Ann said...

Now I'm going to have to drive by McDonalds to see what kind of flag they have out. It looks like a smile to me

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

They have the Ronald McDonald houses here in the hospitals.

Tracy said...

well that's interesting...I'm curious as to the reason for it. I guess we should expect anything nowadays!

Linda said...

Very interesting! I am in Montreal, Canada...I don't recall seeing any flags on the McDonald's here. Just the golden arches logo that McDonald's is famous for. I am going to have a look the next time I go by a McDonald's to see if there is a flag! Thanks for sharing, Ginny, your posts are always fascinating.

Chatty Crone said...

I like your new blog decorations.

Hey I didn't even know they had a flag - when I drive past it I will have to look and let you know what it flying here.

You are such a great grandma!

Love, sandie

Glenda said...

I'm curious about the flag, too! We've spent many happy moments in McD's in years past with our grands! Good times!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Whew! Weird! Looks like a Soviet flag to me. I wonder why it was up? By the way, I met the gent who played Ronald McDonald many years ago in Los Angeles when I did a charity fund raiser car wash. He was very nice and we washed his motor home (motor homes were pretty uncommon in 1970). Have a great day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Again Ginny, I am one tired lady. I just re-read the post and at first I had thought you saw both of the flags up together. That's what I get for not being alert and reading well. Oh that is still an odd flag to be sure. Have a great day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Change comes to us all and even to Ronald McDonald....it is no longer really a "kids place"....sort of sad isn't it?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

You are right, this tiny gadget is like a pendent you can wear. Blogger is still not letting me download photos. Are you ok to download the photos?

Doris Sturm said...

The McDonald's flag did not look like a Hammer and Sickle to me - it looked to me like a smile. I would have gone in there and ask about it, though, just to be sure. I'm not into fast foods and never cared much for Mc Donald's, so if the Soviets want to take over their production, they can have it for all I care LOL I never had Borscht, but I imagine that beets are probably a whole lot healthier than what Mc Donald's is serving up ;-)


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...