Sunday, April 8, 2012

How Great Thou Art

What's this, has Rome invaded our sleepy little southern town? Not really, this is just how we were greeted at the door when we went with a friend to see the Choral Society present "How Great Thou Art." I was not able to take any pictures of the presentation, but thought the beautiful windows were stunning with their reflections on the walls. And happily the guards did not confiscate my camera! Phil took the pictures of the guards, all the rest were taken by me.

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds thy hands hath made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Stuart K.Hine

I will be taking a blog break from now until Thursday, so I will not be visiting or posting. I know I will suffer blog withdrawal and I will miss all of you, but I have other obligations that will keep me busy all day long for the next little while.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed all these photos, Ginny. The stained glass windows are beautiful. Hope you had a blessed Easter Sunday.

He is risen!! =)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Thanks for posting this...reminds me of my Dad - and how he'd sing this song in church - on Easter. xo

SquirrelQueen said...

Those stained glass windows are gorgeous Ginny. I love the shots of the Roman soldiers, that's not a sight you see everyday.

Small Kucing said...

Have a good rest, Ginny :)

Love the photos

Kilauea Poetry said...

Looks like an enjoyable evening Ginny! Forgot to mention, the photo of you three below is lovely as well! My best to you and your family!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Neat pics! I hope your week off goes well. I'll miss you :-)

Remington said...

Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I understand about having other things to do too....I will miss you! See you when you get back to Blogland....

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, it's the Greatest Story Ever Told and was told again in hundreds, even thousands of churches last week! Thank God for sending Jesus into our little towns and villages around the world. Have a good break.

Tanna said...

This is one of my favorite songs, Ginny. Great photos. Enjoy your break and we'll see you when you get back! blessings ~ Tanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny,
I love these stained glass windows!
Hope you'll have a good rest my friend!

Alice said...

We sang that song in church yesterday:)

I do love the stained glass and the reflection, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny, I love that song, How Great Thou Art....Oh Lamb of God!
Love the church windows....very pretty ...

Bobbie said...

Every time I hear this song, I think of my mom. Our pastor sang it at her funeral. Love it! Have a good break Ginny. See you on Thursday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful church and i know the presentation was great. phil did a great job with the soldiers. i am glad they did not come for me! beautiful post

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Ginny....this was a great presentation....too bad the cameras weren't allowed for the presentation, but I must confess, there is something so inspiring with stain-glass.

Excellent share.

LC said...

Enjoy your break! The photos were great, both yours and Phil's.

Reanaclaire said...

Take care Ginny..Blog only when you want to.. not an obligation..
God Bless...

Lynn said...

Hi Ginny, I so love stained glass windows. Am so happy you were allowed to take pictures of them. How unique to have the guards at the door. Thank you for your precious words on my poem and testimony. Blog breaks are good. We will be here when you get back.

RoeH said...

Sounds like it was probably a beautiful presentation. Easter brings out the good.

Nature Rambles said...

Wonderful images! It does look like a Roman invasion!:)The stained glass windows are beautiful! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful stained glass and great photos! Have a good week and hurry back!

Glenda said...

Must have been a powerful presentation - as is the beautiful song! The windows are gorgeous.

Neal said...

Those stained glass windows are absolutely gorgeous.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You come up with the most interesting pictures.Thanks for sharing them. I hope your break is a good one.

Shug said...

Great pictures...I do love this old hymn! Speaks deep to the heart. Your church is gorgeous with the beautiful stained glass windows.

Karin said...

Have a great blog break! I love stained glass windows! Every time I see the Roman soldiers in a play I do wonder if they really dressed like that! How uncomfortable and cumbersome! Hope you were blessed by the concert!

Ann said...

that must have been some presentation. those guards look quite authentic
See you when you get back from your break.

FilipBlog said...

Nice fireglass. Good pictures.


Marie said...

Such beautiful windows in lovely church. Love the soldiers! Enjoy your break!

Chatty Crone said...

Your church is beautiful! I love the stained glass windows. And the Roman soldiers - amazing. You have a nice church. sandie

LV said...

Thank you for sharing a part of this great service with us. Very interesting. Enjoy your time. I will also be gone from Thursday until the 17th. See you then.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Beautifully moving post today. I love that hymn. Have a good time off from the blog.

Jeanne said...

How Great Thou Art has got to be my favorite song ever!
Hope you have a good rest from blogging.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ginny, Did you all enjoy the presentation? Great photos --and I love the windows in that church.

Hope you have a good blog break. We went to Tullahoma today--so I'm behind on the comments AGAIN...


Beth said...

Great post! Those windows are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Love this Ginny, that is my all-time favorite song! Have a lovely break!

George said...

I'm glad the guards didn't confiscate your camera or arrest Phil for taking the picture. The windows of the church are beautiful. I love that hymn.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a beautiful church. I love the stained glass windows. "How Great Thou Art," is one of my favorite hymns. I'm sure you enjoyed the presentation very much. I hope you had a blessed Easter.

momto8 said...

really, how Great Thou Art! That was my Moms favorite true it is.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...