Monday, December 28, 2009

An Award To Remember

Most of you know that my husband teaches chess at a local elementary school, and our son is the assistant teacher. It's an afterschool class that only meets a few times a month, but the children are so enthusiastic, and it's a real fun project. I made the students cool membership cards, there are challenges with prizes, and there will be tournaments in the future. Last night he got a wonderful Christmas gift from his class that their regular teacher had made. It was her idea. It's an inlaid wooden chess plaque and a card signed by all the students. We were just totally stunned! It's always so wonderful to know that what you do is appreciated! Who do we want to appereciate us the very most? For me, the answer is God. I'm sure all of us do good deeds, at times while sacrificing things, and never get recognized for it or thanked. That's too bad, but it really doesn't matter. All that matters is that we have pleased God. Doing good things for others and lifting them up is what we were made for. I like to think of how amazing it would be to actually make my creator smile, maybe even telling the angels He is pleased with me, and I imagine the angels all rooting for me and clapping. I know this is fanciful, but maybe not too far off the mark. A long time ago, a beloved pastor told me that NOTHING we do for God is ever forgotten by him. We may not see appreciation from people in this life, but just wait till we get our rewards. Imagine what God would say to us. A reward from someone is great, but the best reward of all is the one that will come when we know we have pleased God.

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Eph. 2:10


SquirrelQueen said...

The plaque is so neat, what a wonderful thing for the teacher and students to do. When we invest time in others the rewards will always be great.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with you Ginny, if God is pleased with what we do, that is what matters. Congrats on the award! it is not needed to be thanked for what we do but it sure FEELS GOOD

Stephanie V said...

Congratulations to your husband...and you. It sounds as if you contribute to the success of the class as well. The plaque is truly beautiful.

Beverly said...

That is so nice. I read this last night, but I was ready to put it to bed. What a lovely gift. It is obvious that it took much thought and time to make.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the flower on the blog today is an orange hisbiscus. it was growing in our back yard the day before Christmas

Unknown said...

Ginny, have you read Randy Alcorn's books, "Dominion" and "Deadline"? (They are Christian murder mysteries). He talks a lot about guardian angels and how they root for their "human" and help them behind the scenes. You should check it out.


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