Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Drinkers Delight

Have you been stressed out over the holidays? Are your nerves in a knot? Do you have the baking blues? Perhaps you've been imbibing quite a bit to get you through the rush. Having a bit of wine to stop the whine. Are you trying to figure out something clever to do with the empty wine and champagne bottles? Then this is the tree for you! Well, to get serious, yesterday we happened across this Christmas tree. And since I just love odd and wacky things like this, I grabbed my camera. If you take a good look at this tree, you'll notice it has a wine or champagne bottle on top instead of a star. And every decoration is made with corks from alcohol bottles! I must say it was kind of woodsy looking, and quite lovely. It was weird and inventive. If I do what my cardiologist told me, I would have enough decorating supplies to make this tree in a year or two. He told me to drink some wine every day. In Bible times, getting good water was no easy task, so they drank a lot of wine. I wonder why they weren't drunk all the time? My husband says that they may have had some non-alcholic wine, but that would seem to defeat the purpose, because I imagine it wouldn't keep very well. Perhaps this tree was a reminder for me to obey my doctor? Or maybe it had no meaning other than to bring a smile to my face and give me this blog post.
"Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses." 1 timothy 5:23


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't drink wine but the tree is great. i had to click on the photo to see the corks. this is a good way to recycle and makes beautiful decorations. I hope all that wine was not from what one person drinks.

Stephanie V said...

I think bringing a smile to someone's heart is a worthy purpose. Glad you found this tree - and shared it!

Stephanie V said...

I'm back...I wanted to bring another smile. My word verif for the last comment was NOSELLIT. How perfect is that!

SquirrelQueen said...

That's a very creative tree. Wine is something I like every once in awhile so I'm not an expert but some of those corks look like they came out of very expensive bottles. This tree would be perfect in front of a restaurant or wine shop.


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