Saturday, December 12, 2009

Have I Been Naughty Or Nice?

What to Santa's wondering eyes should appear?
Us seniors! But bravely he showed no fear.
One on each knee, we were comfy for sure
But I feared we'd knock old Santa clear to the floor
And then with a twinkle he said "Take the pic!"
But please bring some aspirin for jolly St. Nick
Our pictures were great, we were pleased as could be
And not only that, we got them for free.
But as we turned back to thank the old gent
Quick as a wink, up the chimney he went!
And I heard him reply as he flew up with a flap
"The elves won't believe seniors were on my lap!!"
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11


SquirrelQueen said...

I love your poem Ginny, and the photo is wonderful. Santa looks very jolly.

I have the comment moderation turned on for comments left on posts older than one day. Sometimes folks will leave a comment on a post that's a week old. It just helps me to keep track so I can return their visit. I've also had a few spammers on older posts, it's rare but does happen.

Hope you are having a great weekend,

Stephanie V said...

That looks like fun! Seniors aren't exempt from enjoying the magic of Santa. I hope that your secret Christmas wishes all come true.

Stephanie V said...

Forgot to say (in previous comment) that the Olympic rings are because the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics are being held in Vancouver and Whistler during the month of February. They actually light up at night in the Olympic colors.


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