Monday, December 21, 2009

A Wedding And A Son

This last weekend was a big one. Forty years ago, my wonderful husband and I were married. And thirty nine years ago, our sweet son, Mike, was born. If he had been born two and a half hours later, it would have been on our first anniversary. Unfortunatly, this weekend we were all trapped in our houses under two feet of snow with the National Guard hovering nearby. But tonight, we did manage to get together. Though not at a nice restaraunt as planned, we were all feeling well, and together, and that's what matters. My son and daughter-in-law brought us such a surprise, I'm afraid I was rather stunned the rest of the evening. They had looked at pictures of our wedding, and Melissa made an exact copy of our wedding cake!! Smaller version, of course! She works at a bakery and is quite an artist. We ate wedding cake and gave birthday presents while our granddaughter squealed with joy over our new flying saucer. Above are our wedding picture, the duplicate cake, us now, my son as a baby, and then today. Forty years later and a life still full of wonderful things. So here's to you, my beloved husband, sweet baby boy, beautiful daughter-in-law, and long awaited granddaughter.

The man said "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."


SquirrelQueen said...

Love the photos from then and now. What a sweet thing to do by duplicating your wedding cake. I'll bet that was a very pleasant shock.

Happy Anniversary to your and your hubby and Birthday Wishes to your son.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Anniversary, amazing 40 years. Love the photos and the cake is really pretty. she did great with that.
HO HO HO from Santamental Sandra Claus

Beverly said...

Oh, Ginny, how lovely. The duplication of the cake must have surely been a surprise. How sweet of Melissa to do that. Sabrina did something similar. I'll post about it.


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