Friday, December 11, 2009

The Wild Bunch

This evening we went to our Seniors Christmas party. As usual, we had plenty of fun and good food. We ate lots, sang carols, told funny stories, and played games. Our hostess, Joan, had this beautiful tree. You young'uns out there might be surprised to attend a seniors party. Think we may be old and boring? Think all we talk about is laxatives, hormones, and our surgeries? Not this group! We are feisty amd fun loving. Our fearless leader arranges kayak trips for everyone on a regular basis. On the last ladies retreat, two of our practical jokers went into some of the ladies rooms and short sheeted them! We all try to stay on the go as much as possible. Here is our group picture from tonight. Some of us are wearing bowls on our heads. Why? Because we could! At least four of us passed away recently, so we are are now a smaller group and missing our dear friends. One man came to the party after a four hour heart catherazation two days before, and lots of us are in some kind of pain most of the time. As Bette Davis once said in her now famous quote "Old age isn't for sissies." How right she was.

" Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are acheiving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor. 4:16


Our Journey said...

Ok -- you all look like you might have been having a little "too much" fun!! Heee

SquirrelQueen said...

I enlarged the photo and I would say you are indeed a feisty looking group, looks like everyone is having a great time. Actually the bowls are quite becoming, they could become a new fashion craze, lol.

Sorry to hear about the loss of some group members, that would be hard to deal with during the holidays.

Have a great weekend,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I read this scripture at my Dad's funeral. one of my favorites. I wish I could have been there with your group, looks like lots of fun loving people to me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the manger scene is concrete and was in a yard about 3 blocks down on our street. the sun was to bright when I took the pictures. i was going to try to get better this year, but it is not out. they may have moved. I can't remember which house it was.
the village 3 acres and is free and a wonderful place, it is a house, 2 barns, general store, boatyard, church, school house and courthouse. All the buildings are furnished as they would have been 100 years ago, the buildigs were saved from demoliton by the historical society and put there with winding paths and huge oak trees, picnic tables. I love it. I have spent many many happy hours there with my camera, inside and out. they are about to add 2 more houses. i will be using the photos on my next 3 blogs


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