Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amanda, A Mystery Solved

Perhaps you remember my post from a few days ago about Amanda, a grave that was decorated with a Jack-O-Lantern and other Halloween things. We had quickly passed by at a stoplight, and it left a haunting picture and a mystery. Well, on Sunday we drove past the same graveyard, and I decided to try and find her grave. This was easier than I had thought. Even though the Jack-O-Lantern was gone, the flower arrangement and all the other things I remembered were still there, and it was very near the entrance, so I found it immediatly. This is Amanda's story in pictures and words. The grave is a double grave, for Amanda and her brother Ricky. They both died on the same day. Amanda was two years old and Ricky was twenty four. Perhaps a car accident, that would be my best guess. The banners and many touching things on the grave that you see are because Amanda's birthday was November 10. And it was certainly not forgotten, though she died almost five years ago. There was a special plaque from her mother which I decided not to show, due to how personal and very sad it is. Phil takes one last look back as we leave the cemetary. I truly hope that Amanda's family know all about the other mystery that I will tell you now, because it means that little Amanda is shreiking with joy now and will never cry again.

"Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed....Death has been swallowed up in victory."

1 corinthians 15


Reanaclaire said...

oohh..that was sad, Ginny..
Hope the both of them are in better place now with our Lord..
God bless their souls!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a comfort to know that the little innocent is with her brother. Not a comfort to the parents, I'm sure, but it did leave me with a warm feeling. Thank you, Ginny, for following up on the mystery.

DawnTreader said...

How sad. It must be so hard to deal with the death of child. The unusual grave decorations sometimes found on children's graves sort of a tell a story in themselves, I suppose.

Ann said...

that is so sad. As a parent I can't imagine losing two children on the same day. I'm still curious about exactly how they both died though.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh how sad. It bring such comfort to hope that they are resting with God.

SquirrelQueen said...

While I'm glad the mystery has been solved it is a very sad story. How tragic for the family to lose two children on the same day. It must have been some sort of accident.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is so sad.... :(

Melanie said...

That was so sad. I can only imagine the heartbreak the parents must still be going through.

LC said...

What a thoughtful tribute. I don't know from experience, but from observation, the pain of losing a child never goes away. I would guess that Amanda and Ricky's mom would be pleased that a stranger cared enough to come back to get acquainted. That her little ones are not forgotten. How do people survive without knowledge of that other mystery?

Anonymous said...

I'll never forget your posts on Amanda. How sad for the parents for a loss as great as that. Thank you for posting the images and the story.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

once again you have written a post that brings tears to my eyes. the picture of the tiara over the little girls name just about did me in. how awful to lose 2 children at the same time. last week, here in Florida, 5 beautiful children died in a house fire. there will be five graves to mark and it makes my heart heavy for the ones lost behind. you are right amanda is dancing with Joy now.

Fred Alton said...

Oh! What delightful hope the Christian has that "we shall all be changed" and be like Him.

Karin said...

What a story you have to tell! You should write both posts up and submit it to a magazine! Very meaningful. Our son's bride, just a few weeks before their wedding, died in a car crash with her little one-year old daughter (from a previous marriage). This reminded me of her parents who lost their only daughter and only grandchild on one day. It was a dark time - but your verse was a comfort we all clung to as they are with Jesus!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a heartbreak. I don't think people ever really recover from that type of loss. Ginny we were in Pokhara for 4 days. It really was lovely. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Remington said...

So sad....

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Your Scripture verse today is one of the promises we have as believers in Jesus as Savior! Great blog post. I am really happy you include those verses each day!

From the Kitchen said...

What a sad story that grave marker tells.

You didn't ask enough questions on Mary's blog so I had to ask them!! Tune in for the answers--this sounds a lot like Jeopardy!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, You know how much I love doing research on the internet... Anyhow--I wasn't able to find out much --but did find out that the brother and sister did die from an automobile accident...

So SAD--for that family. Thanks for the update. You'll have to check it for Christmas decorations also..


Bobbie said...

I love that scripture!!

George said...

Thanks for the update on Amanda. It's sad to learn that she and her brother died on the same day. I do hope that the parents have found the comfort of the great mystery you described at the end of this post.

srp said...

The brother was born just a week or two after my precious Nyssa... by the date of death it looks as if he was almost 20. How sad to lose two children at once.. my heart breaks for them.

Deborah said...

That was sad but you are such a nice writer and you know exactly what to say.

Anonymous said...

What a sad but interesting story. The death of young people is probably one of the most difficult things to deal with in life. Why God takes some and leaves others is a mystery that we will never know the answer to until we get to heaven. It's good to know our God is the blessed controller of all things.

Velvet Over Steel said...

That is so very, very sad! I can not imagine how their mother must feel. So tragic!

Reminds us how short & unpredictable life is because of freewill and the choices with that, that some make. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that Amanda's tragic death was 'not' the end! God bless you and your husband, Ginny, for your kind & believing Hearts!!

Blessings & HUGS,

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well, it is tragic..you see so much out there in the world and you realize just how painful..guess it shouldn't be surprising. So there was a sad story with the mother too?
The below post is beautiful with the Psalms..I had no idea you had this much color in the Fall where you live!

Chatty Crone said...

No one can imagine losing one child let alone two. I hope they are together in Heaven and athe mother knows that.


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