Friday, November 5, 2010


After being laid up with a virus for a few days, I went out yesterday. I was so glad to be out in the crisp fall air, feeling alive! Everything was even more beautiful and intense to me. And everywhere I looked was the brilliant shock of yellow. All around, everywhere, like a wonderful gift! It was like a refreshing slap of cold water on my face, I wanted to drink it all in and look forever. I was happy. Very, very happy. This may be because yellow is the most happy color in the spectrum. It is optimistic and full of energy. It stimulates the nervous system, mental processes, and memory. Yet, strangely, it signifies sadness in Greece!! My header is from about two houses down, so come along with me and see just a few of the sights that I passed by. It's totally brilliant.

"...and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him." Ezekiel 1:27


photowannabe said...

It is Brilliant. So beautiful Ginny. I'm happy you are feeling better and could go out and enjoy the Fall day.
Great verse to go with the pictures.

Kilauea Poetry said...

(Sorry, this is the second time I did this recently)..just delete the other. I know what did! But when I came back, I had no trouble seeing your gorgeous header! Also, the leaves are striking the way they've gathered under the tree like a carpet. The brick with the yellow awning is pretty!
I would be taking it all in as well!! This is just a fabulous series! What an incredible contrast to what your going through! So glad your better! I've always enjoyed yellow too and Ezekiel adds a perfect touch-:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are you 100% now? I hope you are relaxing and don't do too much work. Yes, I miss your comments.

Your beautiful golden trees make me think of the two in my neighbour's garden, and the falling leaves on our car.

Do come to NZ, the beauty of it is it is so small , smaller than Florida, but has everything jammed pack it it . So you don't have to spend too much money and time to travel.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wonderful yellows Ginny, it is such a happy color. Glad to have you back and feeling good.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the yellow of autumn. I just painted my front door a very pretty and cheery yellow.
Thanks for your words of encouragement on my post. They really meant a lot. It's always nice to hear from women who have older children...

diane b said...

It sure does make one feel happy to see all that yellow.

DawnTreader said...

So you're still in that golden beauty. Here the leaves have all fallen to the ground now and the trees are bare.

Anonymous said...

So happy that you are feeling better and enjoyed getting out and about. Such pretty touches of yellow around your city. Hope that you continue to feel stronger over the weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so you tried to out do my brillaint fall colors and you succeeded, now i will HAVE to find or make something YELLOW. these are spectacular colors. Yellow is pretty but I have never owned any clothes that were yellow. have you? mothers kitchen was hurt your eyes yellow and made us crazy. these yellows are gorgeous. God's yellow in the trees is the best yellow ever.

Jane said...

Love the colors! Hope that you are feeling tons better!


Fred Alton said...

Glad to see you're feeling better and brighter today! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Great post today.

From the Kitchen said...

Here you are--back and lighting up my morning!! Your yellow photos made me smile with their beauty and the knowledge that I was right there a short time ago.

Our rain, sleet and snow did not materialize yesterday but it's on the way sooner or later.

Have a "yellow" sort of weekend.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I love all that brilliant color.When I look out the window right now I see bare trees and brown grass.This is one time of year I don't like,too drab.When the snow covers everything with white it is beautiful once more.

Bobbie said...

Beautiful and brilliant.... and so glad you are feeling better. I was praying!

srp said...

Glad you are feeling better. Hopefully, with an extra hour of sleep tonight and a couple more days of medicine we will be back in the saddle here too. This has been a rough week of coughing and hacking and congestion.

Beautiful yellows!

Jeanne said...

I too love yellow.
You did a great job of capturing the beauty of the gorgeous Fall Day!
Glad you're feeling better.
Have a great weekend,

Debbie Taillieu said...

I know exactly how how you feel! I felt so relaxed and refreshed during my stay in Tennessee with all the colors of fall surrounding me!
Yellow is a wonderful happy color. I've even painted my living room in yellow!
Gorgeous pictures,thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ginny, so glad to read your post and to see that glorious colour. Your header as well as the other scenes from your neighbourhood are gorgeous!!!

Happy to know you're feeling so much better. And thanks for stopping by my blog today. Enjoy your recovery!:-)

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny,
Beautiful pictures and I'm glad your feeling better...I think I have had a virus a few days too...yuck...

Stephanie V said...

Good to see you at the keyboard again. Lovely yellows for fall. Stay well.

Dawning Inspiration said...

So glad you are feeling better - love all that sunshine you photographed!! ;o)

Helen said...

I`m glad you feel better now, I hope you stay well. These fall photos are wonderful! :)

Kerrie said...

Glad you are up and about! Beautiful pictures. Colors here are still coming. It is supposed to get down to 32 tonight, I need to move some plants to cover! Hugs,K

S. Etole said...

It's so nice to come here and see such a burst of golden color. Our leaves are completely gone.

Glenda said...

So glad you are better! Being sick makes one appreciate the beautiful outdoors even more! I love all the yellows you've captured!

One day we'll fully appreciate brilliance - in a heavenly way!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny...happy to hear you're feeling better and these and double wow. His work is the best art ever. Feel 100% okay....

George said...

Your photos are wonderful, showing brilliant color indeed. I'm glad you were feeling well enough to get out and enjoy all this color.

Chatty Crone said...

My goodness, but you get a ton of comments.

You had a yellow Saturday instead of a pink one and I loved it. The color yellow is so outstanding - just like the pictures.

Glad you are feeling better.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your Buckeye is fabulous!!!!!! Love it, Ginny.... AND--yellow has always been one of my favorite colors especially in summer. BUT--the yellows and golds of Autumn are terrific also. Your pictures are so happy and uplifting. Thanks for sharing.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...